
Considering her competition was Young-Pointless-Magneto and Angrier-Wolverine-Girl-Oh-Wait-She-Just-Wants-To-Be-Pretty-And-Only-Like-Two-Artists-Can-Draw-Her-Well, that's damning with some particularly faint praise there.

My teas gone cold I'm wondering why…

Before :(

The X-movies can be R now, but not that R.

The Maggott Doomsday clock is at one fifteen a.m, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!

You said it. I mean, I would put the X-Men's cast of female characters up against that of the entire DC universe (or Marvel Universe sans the X-characters), and that's 90% due to Claremont. The X-Men could have been like every other superhero team but Claremont turned it into a far more real reflection of society, and

Cecelia Reyes is basically Clare Temple with superpowers, so Dawson should absolutely hit it out of the park.

I mean it's definitely there, though not as much as some people (like myself) jokingly suggest.

Kind of makes you question the media/public reaction, huh? I mean, supportive publicity is still contributing to the shittiness of the victim's situation. Which isn't to defend the now ex-model's actions, it's just a tricky issue all round.

I don't know much about the woman in question, or cosmetics and the like, but I'm pretty sure she qualifies as bleached.

I don't know about a bunch of character, but this situation is why God (or Chris Claremont) gave us Cypher.

You developed a leather and domination fetish too, huh?

It was a real mascarassacre.

Once you realise that Prada is an anagram of DARPA, you're going to feel pretty dang foolish for making fun of us truth-seekers.

It's the British equivalent of "pee", for what that's worth.

Genuine question: do you think that repeatedly telling different people to fuck off could be a sign that you're acting like an asshole? Either the action itself, or any prior behaviour that has lead to just so many people being deserving of being told to fuck off? Or is it just a regular part of your lifestyle?

I may find May to be a bad person and terrible Prime Minister, but I doubt anyone in Downing St is "gleeful" about this news, no matter how politically advantageous it may turn out to be.

Good thing no asshole has justified their behaviour be claiming to be defending themselves before, or someone might think that was a really weak justification for acting like a dick.

1) Weird hair
2) Accused of sexual assault
3) Enemies of the US government and intelligence services
4) Enjoy peddling conspiracy theories, even if it's just with a nod and flirty wink rather than having the balls to say something directly.