
Yes, it was just a brother and sister enjoying some romantic intercourse. I don't know why people had to jump to incest.

Huh, you're on a weekly schedule for that?

There was that one time that Phoebe gave money to PBS, but that ended up helping Joey get some on-camera time during the telethon, making Phoebe happy…So, no, I guess?

Yeah, I'm somewhere in that middle ground with you. I'm not a fan of hagiographic obituaries for assholes or anything, but gleeful celebration of any death always seems pretty gross to me. Particularly when the dead person has been largely removed from their position of power/influence (I wasn't taking part in any

And a whole album without using the word "I". They're fancy lads.

Don't worry, he was like 35 at that point.

You didn't answer the question.

What would a navy man know about American idols?

That "Wonderful World of Disney" prefix is chilling. Strap in, folks, and get ready for another cycle of Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Jungle Book, etc

Fair enough. How do you find responding to half-joke comments saying that something isn't racist with lifestyle advice and lazy philosophy? Tonnes of fun? Maybe I'll give it a try

Not able to handle solids? Then please let me recommend Trump's Ever-Flaccid Cock! Trump's Ever-Flaccid Cock: Just Go On And Mash It In There.

Going by the Instagram, I'm 90% sure that person is quoting Chappelle, so I'm going to go with "not racist' until those percentages change. I'll keep you updated.

Now, thrusting onto a dick with the force to generate enough heat to burn enough coal to power a small Red State town - that just sounds all-American

That's the nicest euphemism for "start global nuclear armageddon" that I've ever heard.

We're too easily distracted by the name PWR BTTM. Give it time and we'll start saying horrific shit, I'm sure.

Do they work in a Springfield steel mill?

I lightly brought up Bowie in that context on here once and ended up with some pretty lengthy "Actually, that was all fine" responses. PWR BTTM were just forty years and a bunch of great albums away from this all being chill.

The Two Tops.

Hey, if we don't give this upcoming niche band this level of scrutiny, we'll be some kind of hypocrites the next time we criticise the President of the United States of America.

I don't know, remember how he looked behind the wheel of that truck? I feel holding such an obnoxiously phallic symbol in his hands would help Donnie overcome his general weakness.