
We're clearly not getting the whole story here. I expected better investigative reporting from Supper Club, this site has gone way downhill.

Thirst - "You going to take advice from somebody who slapped Dee Barnes?"

Hey now, people have liked much worse artists than Drake, don't be so judgmental.

So, even though she only drank some “Sprite, Pepsi, and Fiji water,”

No, I'm sure the dozen obnoxious comments of yours that I've already read under this article were left in a spirit of lighthearted gadaboutery, not from some low-level irritation you feel as the world changes around you.

He's not in that goddamn band, is he?

You seem unpleasant.

I'm pretty sure he ascribes to the "deny them your essence" school of thought.

She picked up one of the kids and hammer-tossed him at the judge at one point, but it's still about 80/20 in her favour.

Sometime between emancipation and Jackie Robinson, I reckon.

We've had dudes protesting about that in the UK for a while, but their approach was largely focused on dressing up as superheroes and climbing landmarks in protest. It was a lot more jolly, overall.

The NWO took his kids away, them took them away, away from him? He should ring him, ring him, ring him up the President and find out where his kids went.

Alex Jones: Bring me four bowls of chili, and a coke.
Rush Limbaugh: And some dry white toast, please.

Sadly enough, given the positive Duffy vibes going on, that would probably be my Hatesong. For completely subjective and unfair reasons of course, which is probably why I wouldn't give an interview about it (also, nobody cares what I have to say).

I think it's an unworkable formula (I mean, not entirely. Clearly some people enjoy it, but the general reaction seems pretty consistently negative). Personally, I can't think of any song that I hate enough to dedicate an entire interview of answers about. All I could say would be stuff like, "Oh, this song was on the

It helps that he's getting back to his Aussie roots, spending more time chilling around the Barbie and all.

Looks like a load of driv-El.

Coming soon:

Making a TV show about Superman's grandfather (who has no powers)? Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.

It's a good watch, though a bit of a slow build if you're watching it knowing what to expect. Though there are plenty of (literal) blink-and-you'll-miss-it ghosty bits peppered throughout, which are fun to look out for.