
Are you kidding? I bet Spicer would jump hop at the chance to put on the costume again. A chance to interact with people who don't instinctively sneer at the sight of him, and to have conversations that don't start and end with "fuck off, Spicer"? It would be the best day he's had in months.

"Nobody knew how hard it would be to find the Bigfoot!" said President Trump today, on day two of his cabinet's expedition in the American wilderness.

You might have seen this already, but Zeke wrote a column for the Hollywood Reporter discussing this week's episode (and his wider Survivor experience) that you might find interesting.

Oi, shattap you slag! Arfur and his boys are going to smash the box office harder than your bird behind Chicken Cottage, you mug!

Frank Stallone?

Thank you! Someone needed to defend this cynical piece of corporate advertising little girl.

Can anyone crack this crazy code? I feel like something suspicious is going on.

Given, y'know, his face, I think Bannon is drinking for three.

If we reclassify what constitutes rape, we could cut the numbers by up to 100%!

Jesus fucking Christ.

Given the way Trump and his team are pinballing around with their policies and aims, I'm sure he will try that approach at some point. Whether or not someone will have to tell him that Ted Kennedy is dead is another matter.

I get that that's what he was going for, but even allowing him that context what he said was still stupid, and insensitive as hell. He's a press secretary trying to say "chemical weapons are bad", and the line of argument he tried, and failed, to use was that Hitler didn't use them on the battlefield? I don't think

It's a shame they didn't have the character turn up as a butt-monkey in either of the two previous films. Hopefully the scene will still be as cool as it was in the comics, though.

You were surprised? Look at the kind of shit that wins the Turner Prize, she's got edge for days.


We're going to have to search Mjolnir and far to find a good pun for the name of that stupid hammer.

I don't know, a realistic show about the people in the White House sounds pretty dull. Competent people capably and dryly carrying out basic administrative functions? Who'd want to watch that?

You're thinking of Marvel's Pointy Hat, I think.

Look, even someone as despicable as Hitler never forcibly removed people from a plane.

Can't wait to hear Spicer's spin when he has to explain why Connecticut is just a big smoking crater.