
"Did I say 'Hitler didn't use chemical weapons'? I meant 'Oh god, please help me, they won't let me leave, I live in a cage behind this nice blue curtain'. I apologise for the miscommunication."

Be fair, I think a The Way of a Pilgrimesque stream of "Oh fuck, what now? Oh fuck, what now? Oh fuck, what now?…" counts as a thought.

Is it a race thing? I sometimes think that the media are more likely to take ironic humour literally when it comes from black people, especially if they behave in any way that might be carefully referred to as 'urban'.

What's your point, she should have gone to medical school?

I'm pretty sure Michelle is the one who prepared the bunker Barry is using to hide out in. She knew we'd come for her, and she's not going to be taken easily.

Sounds like the White House were caught a little unawares, yeah.

I think they did team up to fight Spiderman that one time, yeah.

"You ever see a guy say goodbye to a Front before?"

Let's be fair, the people in the Holocaust centres were usually guilty of being Jewish, gay, Romani, etc. I don't think we can really give Spicer any grief over that one.

Hey, give the guy a break, at least he coined the phrase 'Holocaust centre' to refer to all those camps where they kept and killed people. It's amazing we've gone so long without having a word for them.

You've gotta find him first. You can't make him go back there!

Oh man, Jared is such a Pete. I can't wait to see him do the charleston.

Didn't her mother start dating a convicted sex offender or something at some point? It's not something I'd want to make a joke about, but Jesus, the metaphor is strong, no?

I'm given to understand that she (or her mother) combined the new American pastimes of obesity, fame-seeking, and ignorance, proudly no less. You can see why that would rub some people the wrong way, especially if it was being encouraged through a television show.

Maybe the statue will be of him holding a bag over his shoulder, with a ticket to Anywherefuckingelse U.S.A in his free hand?

Disagree. I think all celebrity statues should be as hilariously horrible as possible, they seem to be one of the few things that can unite everyone in joy. They can hot swap the head for a proper one after a couple of days, once everyone's had a good giggle.

You doing OK, man?

I picked up a habit a few years back of identifying the chumpy in every vaguely dramatic American network TV show I watched. Y'know, the handsome fella who gets slapped around, literally or metaphorically, every week to show how capable the more interesting characters are. Your Rileys, your Lukes, etc etc.

I gave up during the original airing somewhere around season two, and made it about that far again when I tried rematching it when it finished.

According to reliable sources (the internet), the lottery system isn't really a lottery, but more a computer checking to see who paid the least for their tickets, and then selecting from that group.