
Given the videos, running back onto the plane later on might have been the behaviour of a concussed, confused, and probably quite scared adult. Not sure how much we want to judge the fella by that.

Of course if the airline had some patience of their own, this might never have happened.

He was apparently a doctor looking to see patients, so probably not.

I think that it was John Byrne who created the character and based her on an acquaintance, not Claremont.

I still think it's really offensive for the Academy to refer to Japanese animation that way.

- Don Draper

"And the nominees for Best Lit AF Performance are…Daniel Kaluuya in Get Out, 3 of the 5 kids in Stranger Things [you know which ones], Congressman Adam Schiff, the swag daughter from that BBC interview, and Snapchat."

I don't think it's that, people aren't tuning in to remind themselves of his usual style. People, or at least some of them, are tuning in in the hope of some sort of "Fuck it, we'll do it live!"-esque meltdown. Or a more sedate, but still morbidly fascinating, shot back at his critics.

While I like the idea of the show's cast shifting a lot between seasons (I half expected Mick to leave the team in this episode as well), I'm pretty happy that Nate and Amaya are sticking around. They're such a big step up from the Hawk People that I'm fine with not rolling the dice on two new characters to replace

Hey, c'mon, be fair. His victims weren't just children. Elderly, infirm (through physical or mental illness), and younger women who happened to be in his presence were all his victims too.

Nah, Trump's just learning. Rather than having to blatantly lie about this statement in a couple of months, he can just go "I said I thought that I knew him. Obviously I didn't, since I had no clue that he was a sexual harasser and pervert. Believe me, nobody knew that there was anything wrong with Bill's behaviour."

Oh honey, I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, but that's not spit…

Maybe I'm a naive optimist, but I think it's kind of in the other direction. From what I've read about regretful Trump voters, they've generally seemed to have latched on to one or two things he's said, ignored most everything else (even the stuff that directly contradicts the thing they were holding on to) or

And he cheats at golf, too!

Isn't that just the English pronunciation? Speaking as a Brit, it was only a couple years ago that I realised that Squirrel Girl was meant to be a rhyme.

The mirrors, I knew it! Grab your hammers people, it's smashing time!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've got enough hate in my heart for boomers and the one percent. And gen X. And my fellow millennials. And those last holdouts from the greatest generation. And myself.

Horses should be of even height when distributed, but people should also be able to increase it through their individual efforts. Using their labour to pay for platform horseshoes, that kind of thing.

We need to find the most disgusting and sexually-inappropriate bisexual to run Fox News as quick as we can. It's the only solution that could possibly work.

True. Though despite being quite far to her left politically (and perhaps because I don't live in Germany, or one of the Southern countries in question), her non-ideological political strengths pretty much make up for that. I'm not sure if there's any I'd have wielding her power and influence over the last few years,