
Don't worry, I'm a rambler too (in the writing too much while comfortable and indoors sense, not the countryside walk variety).

Don't worry. I'm pretty sure at some point while he was flying over Iraq, Kushner would have had his "I've made a huge mistake" realisation. I give it three weeks before they announce he'll be directing all his energies towards his government innovation SWAT team nonsense.

after which Trump moves on his widow like a bitch.

I was going to make that point, but I thought it might sound like Trump was paying attention or keeping on top of issues even slightly, rather than reacting to whatever he sees on TV on a given day.

To an extent, though it's a nice bit of hand-holding for the wider media when they pick up the story.

His brief is so goddamn expansive that I can't imagine he has time to stop and dedicate any real time to one issue or another before he's getting on a plane to go solve Syria, or something.

But then who's going to bring peace to the Middle East?

Hey, you can't spell Pulitzer without putz.

His upper lip isn't that spicy, Trump doesn't eat food with a lot of heat (or flavour, or quality).

Can I fight you on Green Wing without defending Scrubs? I hated that show so much that I still have a lingering distaste for any of the actors involved, even the ones who are clearly bloody good at what they do.

It really feels like the saucer people should be part of that sentence, no?

Sadly no, it turns out the clicks were being made my the defendant under the table.

Not that people aren't right, but there is another child molestation joke in a later episode, if you ever become a fan and want to avoid it. I think it's in the episode titled The Kids Run The Restaurant, or something.

If it's anything more than "white people are crazy", I'll be pretty disappointed.

"Lots of our best Americans were gay. It's true! Rock Hudson! Believe me, I thought it was a joke too."

I find it helpful to have a bible in the house. Not to read or anything, but just y'know, to have around.

I mean, I know shit about psychology, but Trump is just a massive pile of Freudian nastiness, right? His ego lets him admit what a sad little bitch he is in front of people he sees as vaguely on his level, but in public he just has to superego his way through some bizarre child-in-his-daddy's-work-shoes performance of

foreign relations

I think it really demonstrates the power of a (relatively) organic social movement. The rainbow is such a great flag for gay rights because it's both broad and specific at the same time. Definitely not something that any committee or focus group would choose.

You know what's really gay? It's not a fumbling encounter in a bar bathroom, or having an extra-special friend when you're in the military. What's really gay is being proud of your sexual preferences, loving yourself, and not burying your desires under layers of alcohol, homophobia, and bi-weekly straight missionary