
there all is aching

Going by the comments for the first episode of this season, I don't think anyone's pointed out that he describes the website as "wwww.craigslist.com". Such a subtly great joke.

Digression, but I saw Gould's The Long Goodbye for the first time the other day, and goddamn, that is a fantastic movie.

Bill (or more accurately, old bill) means the police over here.

Tell your wife to fight me in real life.

Yeah, the government won't even fund the NHS (or any other social services) properly at the moment, I don't know why people are expecting good quality CGI in Who.

Total crawler, too.

I wish I hadn't just finished my mom's spaghetti before watching.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'm glad that you did.

Male sharks pre-sex: "That's right baby, you know what they say. I can't stop or I'll die."

They're really on a Rip-roll this season. 70s dweeb director Rip, villain Rip, stir crazy Rip…So many fun varieties, all so much better than season one Rip (I should probably stop saying Rip). I hope they keep mixing it up with the character.

It depends on whether or not the characters reset themselves, as well as reality. If they don't, then the events in Doomworld would still have meaning because of the impact on them. Mick, for one, definitely seems to have been affected by the experience.

I've been saying he's the Brad Pitt of television for years, good to know people are finally starting to listen.

They're that odd mix of identical and completely different that can make for a great pairing. They're basically Spy vs. Spy (cast that movie, Hollywood!).

Yeah, it's a shame that they've more or less ignored Mick's friendship with Ray (though friendship might not be quite the right word), but I've really loved him and Amaya this season.

That's depressing. Apparently I could have made it in Hollywood, that might have been a lot of fun.

And hey, Cynthia Lennon and Gailey (the girl raped by Polanski) have expressed forgiveness and a desire for people not involved to let the subject lie, respectively. So I guess we should stop talking about those situations?

Regarding your last paragraph, that wasn't what I was going for, but I can see that as being a thing people do, which sucks. If anything, I mostly agree with you.

All jokes aside, isn't that kind of a regressive way of looking at Whedon's career? He casts a lot of Hollywood actresses to star in his genre products, so it must be a fetish thing?