
Michael Gove came in from behind to storm the contest with a fetching ensemble playing on the "banker at the beach" look. M&S trousers rolled up to the knee, white vest and whiter skin, hankie around his sunburned head, the whole whack.

I've gotta agree. My old da was sort of in the Sex Pistols' orbit. He disbanded his comedy rock group after seeing them perform, deciding that they were taking the piss out of contemporary music better than he ever could.

Presently, yeah, but I'd say the cast in the second season of Arrow would give it a run for it's money.

Cap's got a pretty nice beard in the comics too. She prefers to be called Sharon, or Agent 13, though.

Edit: Someone already made my point, oops.

Look, I like Rey and Finn as much as the next nerd, but if you think that that movie was better than the Clone Wars tv show then you're a damn fool!

They goofed on RDJ's original contract, so for the last couple of films I think he's been making a decent percentage of the box-office. I might be pulling this out of my ass, but I think he made something like 50 mil on the first Avengers movie?

Perez would probably get a confused look on his face.

I mean, it is John Wayne as Genghis Khan…It's fucking hilarious.

If you want to help out AV Clubbers like me who don't live in LA, you might want to incorporate more podcast studio locations into your geographic descriptions.

"What did you call him?"

If, as they've so helpfully pointed out, Jean was only cuffed for 6 minutes and got an apology, I can't imagine the lengths they must go to when making things right with the innocent black guys they lock up for a few days, or even longer. Those lucky dudes must have more gift baskets than they know what to do with!

Hey, I think Tom Wolfe is the one we should be blaming here, leave poor ol' Jack London alone.


It's pretty crass to discuss people's ages, but I'd feel pretty weird watching Rodriquez or Kendrick play a teen hero at this point, even if they don't look as inappropriate for the age as, say, Andrew Garfield.

Well hey, thanks for all your informative and reasonable discussions focusing on the actual issues then, or on Maddow's report. If you were just bitching and complaining about something inessential, you'd be some kind of hypocrite right?

This is a tangent, but I feel like "false equivalency" is going through the slightly brutal process of a word losing all it's meaning as it gets tossed around too much.

Oh shit, a coffee table book? They don't let just anyone have one of those, it's like getting two Academy Awards at once!

Unless the titular 'it' was a love triangle between a preppy rich kid and a guy from the wrong side of the tracks, who was also Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I hope Peele gets a chance to make his four hour long cowboy movie without those damn studio suits interfering.