
OK, so now I'm imagining a Get Outified version of Beauty and the Beast. They synch up surprisingly well.

There are too many superhero movies these days, I must have missed A-Men. How was it?

Because it was some old Jedi planet and Jedha sounds kind of similar, I'd guess.

That's more of a love/hate relationship.

Yeah, does anyone know where I can find some more of her writing about potential Buffy orgies? Asking for a friend.

Hold up, you don't want Giles involved? What, are you afraid it will get too sexy?

Huh, one of us misunderstood or misheard his speech. Probably me, seems like the kind of thing I'd do.

Did she try and become the Arrow's sidekick or something?

Nah, that had a double meaning, that's not going to fly in the fly-over states. If there was a way to title this movie Bad [Occupation], I'm sure the execs would have found it.

I liked it well enough in the cinema, but it's pretty hard for me to not enjoy a movie in the cinema.

And then we've got Ocean's Eight, to see how people deal with reasonably well received movies that were themselves remakes being remade with female-led cast.

Ah, good old MM. A show so quaint and middle-English that it's show runner got fired for not wanting to put minorities into it.

You're right, this place can't just be somewhere that people parrot opinions back to each other. All the conversations, even those started by alt-right assholes, have a value, because they stop the comments just being Simpsons quotes and musical taste dick-measuring.

No, she just bent them over and fucked them so hard that they're all conservatives now, somehow.

In Bee's situation, I say that means she should put them in a private school.

I know there's racial stuff floating around this issue, but I'm pretty sure there wasn't any inferable in my comment.

That's what I was riffing on, yeah. Don't quote me on this, but I believe the whole "the eye of the needle was a reference to some gate" thing is a bit of ahistorical nonsense dreamt up by people looking to convince themselves that, hey, Jesus said I'm going to hell, but he didn't mean it, right?

I don't have any huge problem WITH neo-liberals or anything, but a bunch of questions with some randomly Capitalised words and letters, along With the psychoanalysis based on your the conclusions you've forced UPON the person you were replying to isn't a great look. A bit sycoFANtic, maybe, which is a very annoying

Sure, parents make their own individual choices about significant education decisions for their children and don't communicate or agree, they just act like individuals and trust the situation will work out. It would be brutally foolish to assume that one parent would agree with their partner when they're speaking

I think she meant people-sexers. You know how when the egg breaks and you can't easily recognise if the baby is a boy or a girl under all the goo? Well that's when you need a woman-idenfiying person.