
It came off as soothing to me personally. She was showing her photos of them in the past, trying to gently urge her into remembering.

"Also I sort of stole part of your name for my own secret identity."

Oliver be like "John, leave the helmet on and…John, leave the trenchcoat on".

The second half of season 4 details Felicity's crossover with Orange is the New Black.

Also all things considered they'd be throwing them a bone if he flirted with Felicity considering Olicity is mostly dominant on that site.

To be fair, Sara has been barely doing anything but responding in an animalistic manner. She's hardly going to stand there and be like, "Alright, Sara, enough with the bullshit."

To be fair with the state of the mayors in this city, they could draw a stick-man Oliver and write 'Queen for Mayor' on it and it would work well.

But…but Diggle's the one true John for Ollie!

The internet has ruined the word daddy for me so I was mortified during those moments.

Alright, time to place bets. How many minutes into next weeks episode until Constantine flirts with Felicity only to later tell Oliver he's lucky to have her?

How much you wanna bet Thea promised everyone free cocaine courtesy of Detective Lance if they helped with the campaign?

From the looks of it, the poor guy lives in a cupboard.

At this point Team Arrow are having a competition on who can send him back to the hospital the fastest.

I can't wait for Constantine. And I really hope after he fixes Sara she's still out of it in the head and has no morals on killing. And through the course of LOT proceeds to don a certain red mask…

Oliver got his ass absolutely handed to him by Lady Cop. For an average cop in the SCPD, she was pulling off shit Team Arrow wish they could do.

All those drugs and Lance is the only person to have access to it? In hindsight, Lance being high would make half his senses have a new lighting on them.

She works wonders when giving the right script. As True Blood was hit and miss (and then miss halfway through the airing) so was she and she was brilliant on Hannibal.

You say he's cold, I say he's kinky.

I personally found it to be a kind of cute reference.

I love how simple of an origin story that is.