
I know it would be a huge stretch but I'd love if it was an actual ability and not just a piece of equipment.

Poor Samantha as well. She can probably never cash that check in how with the way the Queen's accounts are like.

Is it true that Connor Hawke is set to appear on Legends but not be related to Oliver? Because fuck that if true.

Casper Crump is somehow the type of name I would expect the actor of Vandal Savage to be called.

After worrying questions over whether Annalise wanted to bang Wes or be a mother to him, I'm glad it's finally seeming like the latter.

And also feel Anatoly at some point to become Captain of the Bratva. Also learn how to fly a plane.

Really? I thought it was Oliver and Laurel finally putting aside their continued hostility. No romance forming, but a strong friendship hopefully. If we can't get Black Canary and Green Arrow as lovers then we can definitely get them as allies.

I have the same point. I'm upset this Green Arrow show doesn't have Roy Harper but in a way I don't miss the character in terms of performance since Colton really wasn't a great actor.

To be fair those cops kicked Ollie's ass too.

I thought it was because his contract ran out not because he intentionally left.

In the space of about two years Oliver somehow has to become fluent in Mandarin and Russian, right?

In the span of a day. I mean it in the sense that for some reason no one told Laurel during the 7 months between season 3 and 4 that Thea had been nearly killed and brought back via the pit. She only got told when she arrived at Nanda Parbat.

I can't remember much. He got sent by ARGUS to infiltrate? Save the people? I think that's the full extent.

True. I am interested in how Oliver comes to be like that. Although the beard now makes me wonder considering Ollie with his long hair and all when trapped on the island still found a way to keep regular old stubble.

I still think that among all the situations Ollie has faced, calling in his friend skilled with magic could have helped. Besides, how did Ollie even know that John could restore someones soul?

This episode was rushed though. It could easily have been a two-parter and Constantine had to show up in the present way before more than halfway through the episodes.

The way I see it, it's a woman struck with grief over her sisters death and when finding out there's a way to negate that she takes the chance.

Laurel may not be the most popular character but she's the Black fucking Canary. Over at the comics she's arguably more popular than Green Arrow. She's got just as much immunity as Ollie does at this point.

Between this and Smallville I'm starting to get a little annoyed over that.

I still find it strange he named his daughter Sara. I never recalled him and Sara being particularly close.