
Laurel was left out in the dark though on a majority of the things. Had she been told that bringing Sara back would put Thea in danger or told in the first place Ra's nearly killed Thea maybe she would rethink it, but the annoying fact is for some reason Team Arrow are keeping a lot of things from her.

Constantine in the flashbacks made me realize just how better the flashbacks would be had Oliver taken up his offer. Sort of like how in season 2 even when Sara wasn't in the present moments, she was in the flashbacks. I don't care for the season 4 flashbacks minus the fact it thankfully means Stephen Amell has to

I think in terms of views Constantine was reaching around the level of Arrow and Flash, meaning the three million range. Three million is good for CW but bad for NBC.

Laurel had perfect reasons to call Oliver out. When Oliver is warned about the dangers of the pit and still uses it, he's seen as a good brother. But when Laurel is kept out of the dark on something like this for seven months and then does it because she's been told fuck all on how the bad using the pit is, she's seen

The worst thing about Constantine's existence is how in hindsight, Oliver having a friend who can specialize with magic is just a large continuity snarl when overlooking the show in how there are a billion and one times he could easily have called that favor in.

In the comics Mr. Terrific won a gold medal at the Olympics so I didn't mind it at all. I'm a big miffed they're toning down his intelligence though, since he's the third smartest man in the world in the comics.

I really hope not on Rousey. She was painful to watch in Furious 7.

The less said about that, the better honestly.

Also Wells actions in this episode make a ton more sense when you realize over on Earth-2 Zoom has kidnapped and is holding his daughter.

But when he was dead for nine months after the accelerator she was torn up about it. Plus the premiere was Caitlin working somewhere else and being distant from everyone and then she's fine the next episode.

With Iris' mom out of time, she seems put on hold until Wally enters the picture.

Her type of character just makes me worried. I don't want another Felicity with her in the case she might become the main characters permanent love interest. Oliver and Laurel may lack romantic chemistry but I'm still pissed we're not getting BC and GA so we better get Barry and Iris.

You know at this rate I would expect DC to have him on live-action first before Marvel would ever do it.

In all honesty I just saw that as him being a dick, not evil. He's impatient and going through some extreme means to get Cisco to tap into his abilities.

Heh, cold.

In a weird meta sense, Rick is the same of Eddie's actor.

Because this is an actual Harrison Wells. It's not Eobard Thawne possessing Wells' body it's the genuine guy. He's a bit of a dick, yes, but there's nothing to prove so far that he's going to try and actually do any harm to Barry and the others yet. Garrick's biggest criticism was that he didn't step forward to claim

Honestly I was shocked she corrected Wells when he mixed up his name. I thought she would have been just nodding, genuinely thinking that was his name.

Hey, as a lady I wouldn't mind coming across someone like her one of these days.

I thought he said Ricky?