
If you don't own a home you have to get out from under of have kids in school, this is a relatively low-risk time in your life to make a change like this. I moved to a new city to try out a job (granted we had family in the area, which played into the decision to look at that city in the first place) when I did own a

I've actually stayed friends with most of my exes, and in no case did we try to transition directly to just hanging out. There were bruised feelings for a while and any later contact was due to running into each other at parties or more random places, whereupon we realized there was enough affection for us to want to

I think any sort of financial support beyond what is explicitly agreed is setting a very dangerous precedent that would follow him long-term. She would never stop asking him for money and blaming him for not supplying it.


I know a couple who just about had their divorce all sewn up, and once the wife moved out and started paying her bills her attorney came back saying "nevermind, need more." It now looks like they're going to trial. She apparently didn't appreciate how expensive life really is.

Wouldn't good old doggy style work here? No back or shoulder pressure whatsoever.

I'm enjoying all the former pseudonym reveals. I always wondered who Shaquille O'Neal's Giant Sentient Penis was.

Even more baffling, he replied to a letter where hiring a sex worker actually backfired.

That's an important perspective to hold on to, because it's a big part of why the 2016 election went the way it did. Telling anyone who doesn't vote Democrat that they're human scum is not the way to generate turnout.

Nazi is a proper noun. It doesn't mean any person supporting race-first ideals. You might be looking for lower-case fascist of even totalitarian, but regardless it's safe to say Farrakhan and Cleaver were not Nazis.

While everyone else was thinking "that's why I'd be really hesitant to hire a sex worker!"

A lot of the uses stem from British interpretation. "Fuck off" means go away, as does "get fucked."

I've always wondered why there aren't private women's clubs (other than service organizations and the like). Given how often I hear women say they'd like to be able to just go out for drinks with their friends and not deal with being hit on, etc. you'd think at least a few would pop up.

It comes down to whether they are more than fuck buddies.

If that's true about lesbian bars, then unfortunately I think the only way you're going to get around that last issue is to rent places out for private events.

If he's from a religiously conservative family, I'd say this is about the best outcome he could have hoped for. This is their way of being supportive.

Is the idea to link to AVC articles with parallel universe comments? Because I'd be on board for that.

Short answer to that one: probably, but who gives a shit at this point? Rock on with your socks on.

Hey Mike, stick to the subject at hand. The actual likelihood of any state (other than maybe California, a whole different animal) trying to violently secede is exactly zero.

24 hour places attract the weirdest people no matter where you are. I ran to our neighborhood grocery last night just before midnight and honestly wondered where the other customers had come from.