
Dammit. Well, you get the point.

That may be the worst best example. My god.

I'm just venting, but will take your word for it.

Yes, they're good as well and it does have more in common with red meat than poultry. There was a place across from where I went to grad school that had a bunch of reasonably-priced alternative burgers so I've also had elk (pricier) and bison. They're all better for you than beef.

Another example of peasant food that became a delicacy.

That's why one of the most popular sound effects is called a symphony strike, right?

We'll need a miracle.

The crispness worked if it was meant to stand out in what was otherwise sludgy production. In the Air Tonight is a perfect example. Those toms are all natural reverb and the guitar and bass were more mood than licks.

**sets cigarette on fire**

One of the funniest things I've heard said about Collins is that whenever he sings, he looks like someone handed him a microphone and shot him in the ass.

Perhaps if you recorded in Doubley.

Like a true Cold Warrior.

I hate big dead beached whales.

Ed Motherfucking Harris?

I hope you'r not planning to go out with THAT.

Glad I'm not the only one. The think pieces would have been as voluminous as they were shallow.

Cyclone or Devastator?

…I see your schwarz is as big as mine.

I think this was my intro to Ty Burrell, so I've always wanted Modern Family to use his latent assholery to greater effect.

Agree completely. Being in the car with Polley as incomprehensible shit is playing out all around her, with the pull-back shot of the city literally exploding all around and the simultaneous radio report, perfectly captured the terror and hopelessness she would have been feeling. Not only did a severely injured