Prof. Horatio Hufnagel

Obviously that would be a stupid way to set up a joke, but if you know anyone like Dick, they probably say shit like that all the time.

I'd wager anything it's not in the book. And yeah, I give a shit about Green Day; the whole point of this Inventory is incongruities in characters' musical tastes, so I would think that it's perfectly acceptable to point out how unlikely it is that Dick, the nerdiest of the music nerds in the movie, really should

That movie is all kinds of ill-informed about music if you know where to look - citing The Clash and Stiff Little Fingers as Green Day's main influences without even mentioning the Ramones or Descendents always seemed way off to me, as well as the fact that a film from the same year as Warning had a character asking

Slightly pointless aside, Felt Pelt - do you have Charlie Louvin's live album from a year or two ago? I was actually at that show, but don't know whether I should purchase the recording or just let it live in my memory.

The mustache threw me off as well, leading me to believe either Horatio Sanz lost a lot of weight or Fred Armisen gained some.

Hot Dogs - what I find most interesting about the generic-monster roar is that dinosaurs always have it too. I've never bothered to look into the science, but is there any justified reason for that? Have paleontologists determined the sound a tyrannosaurus would make, or is it just as likely the things quacked?

I don't support his right to have a dick.

Where's the Sarc Mark when you need it?

I think Mr. Freeze has an excellent story arc as rebooted by the animated series, though he definitely wouldn't fit in Nolan's universe. On the other hand, a recent rumor holds that he may cameo (as Dr. Fries) in the next movie.


Good point on the ham-handed treatment of computer plots - besides, even if it is done well, in five years it will look laughably dated. On the love interest front - maybe Talia al Ghul?

The cyber-terrorist angle does make sense; I envisioned the character as being an informant to the police and/or crime lords. I think the story would be best served by having one obvious villain and one more ambiguous anti-hero type, maybe trying to replace Batman. I'd rather not see Catwoman in the latter role, but

It was finally officially announced that Christopher Nolan is working on a third Batman movie. I think the Riddler would be a good choice for one villain, but all the speculation has been about Johnny Depp playing him, and I just don't quite see it.

Best part - Lone Audience's first comment was a reply to Snowman's last. For reals.

Haysoos, you and me's gon' hafta throw down on this "too lazy to put in the 'u'" shit. Honor and color are the original spellings of these words. Americans did not drop the u's; Brits added them in order to - seriously - make the language more like French.

Not that hard to imagine, really - robots are always overanalyzed in sociological circles as analogous to gender roles, slavery, and what have you. Not saying the creators of Small Wonder actually set out to do that, but there is a growing subset of feminist theory centered on cyborgs, and I don't recommend reading

I got Michael Caine and am extraordinarily proud of that.

Other people Michael Bay is not:
Werner Herzog
Alfred Hitchcock
Earl Warren
Warren Beatty
Anne Frank
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Jeremy Bentham
Thomas Hobbes
Will Shortz

Well, these movies are feature-length toy commercials, after all.