Prof. Horatio Hufnagel

Bean counter is one of my favorite posters. You're doing God's work, son.

I was so disappointed that Clone High wasn't on the list of good MTV shows in Inventory. Plastic bag! Plastic bag! Plastic bag! Plastic bag!

Oh, I was going to say "Gator Dun."

I'm not saying music videos were always just record-company commercials - MTV deservedly gets a lot of the credit for elevating them to the art form they are today. I mean to say that when MTV first got started, music videos didn't have that status. Music videos at that time tended to be stand-ins for actual

Meh Television.

I believe the current state of affairs is that it is a cliche to point out that it is a cliche to point out that MTV once played music videos. Throw in the fact that at MTV's inception, music videos were pretty much cheap promos for use in place of a live performance so that what we now lament is the loss of a

23. W: W
24. The Fountainhead: the great crisis of There Aren't Enough Self-Important Pricks
25. Josie and the Pussycats: Citizens United v. FEC

No room for Tebow IN HIS MOTHER'S UTERUS

All about the Heritage Dr Pepper. Can't find it in 12-packs though…

I can honestly say the smell of the NOLA morning hosedown is among my favorites. Can't say exactly why.

Chipotle has gone by many names, including Chi-po-tay, Chipolte, Chill-podle, and Chimpoodle. Many people seem to still cling to those other names out of nostalgia, I guess.

I hear they're working on this new format that has something to do with these things called "venues" where you go to watch people make music right in front of you, but it's almost always set on shuffle and you can't even skip tracks, plus the whole deal is only available at specific dates and times, so I don't really

Liberal, I think the whole point was that slapping a peeing Calvin sticker on their trucks is those people's idea of political activism or something. No one is saying it's wrong to symbolically pee on terrorists.

Money quote: "So I just had to Randy up some of my old material." I have to figure out how to work the phrase "Randy up" into my lexicon.

Depending on the context, yes. Use your discretion, as overuse of the term can diminish the efficacy of your arguments. However, should someone publish a definitive historical analysis of modern authors' punctuative stylings, they shall be required to title it Vonnegut's Asshole.

But it octothorpe just sounds way cooler than hash, which is why I'm willing to give it to them.

No, I mean British English. The language has undergone just as much evolution and bastardization on both sides of the pond since we split off, but the final word on the matter is: octothorpe. Thank you, Trurl.

We do, in fact, call things by what they vaguely resemble, like how we call Taylor Swift a "musician."

Because in America, our money is not based on a pound system, thus we have an open slot for something else to be called the pound sign. British English and American English are different. Deal with it. (And no, British English is not "proper" English.)