Prof. Horatio Hufnagel

Actually, the Pizza Planet truck is in every single Pixar movie. I'm too lazy to try and look up all the different appearances, but just watch closely.

Damn, I must've completely missed the Sid cameo. Was he the garbage truck driver?

He's telling them not to be musicians so Radiohead will have less competition.

What I find fascinating is that so many people, after downloading the most boring, inessential album I have ever encountered, for free, from a band of millionaire pop stars, said they felt "guilty" for not donating money to them. Meanwhile bands who could actually use the money (and in my opinion make far better


Well, Green Day never claimed in the early days to be against major labels and the like. And to be honest, I think both bands' "styles" have not changed that much, just the production value. I haven't heard White Crosses yet, but I can say that at least half of New Wave could have passed for Axl Rose-era AM! if it

Who will be the architect?
My money's on Jean Nouvel. Begin discussion!

The show is on once a week. Let's just assume that it's always on Phil's day off.

Grammar Grammas: the matriarchs who taught you via stern knuckle-raps the correct distinction between who and whom.

Bootable offense.

No, it's not just because they got popular, it's because they were nothing more than a carefully crafted image to begin with. Unlike, say, Black Flag or Minor Threat, the band didn't start because a group of disaffected kids saw problems with society and wanted to confront them with their music. The Sex Pistols

Not that I'm trying to start an argument, but you'd think someone so concerned about reverence to religious beliefs would know the Holy Sepulchre is where Christ was buried, not born.

Clearly the Food Messiah is IES Dave Chang. Now THERE'S a man who suffers for the world's sins.

I personally feel like critique is a much more generous word than critic(ize), like more of a frank appraisal of strengths and weaknesses. That's what architecture school will do to you though - I actually use the word tectonic in contexts that have nothing to do with earthquakes, so what the fuck do I know.

You'll have the strength of five gorillas
And big chainsaw hands! BZZZZZ!!


Harvard Professor - I think a lot of kids have a snow day today.

I don't get what's so stunning about a Radiohead song sandwiched between Aqua and Everclear. They churn out vacuous pop too, and while some of it is good if you're into that sort of thing, I really wish people would stop treating them like sacred cows.

I love it when people start sentences with "I'm not homophobic, but…" You just know whatever comes next is going to be hilarious.

Admittedly, I cringed a bit at the first mention of Downs, thinking it was going to be just another "look how edgy and controversial we are" story, but they handled it really well. Basically, the message seems to be that people with developmental disabilities are just like the rest of us, in that, well, some of them