Harbinger of the Arockalypse

He's no Johan Cruyff, that's for sure. Hell, he's not even Jordi Cruyff.

I don't know. The fact that you'd prefer to dance to Rob Zombie, of all things, makes me think that your opinion on dance music shouldn't be trusted.

Cultural commentary?
I'm really hoping it'll go into the situation between the Flemish and the Walloons.

Ahh, yes. Balls and manliness are super-important to a dance track, how could I have forgotten?

Until I'm feeling no pain, guess what I'll be feeling?

I've always liked "you need me like the wind needs the trees / to blow in, like the moon needs poetry / you need me." But I find myself often repeating "you don't even like the things you like or the people you know."

Favorite Merritt love song?
Asleep and Dreaming pretty much melts me, each time.

I don't really like romantic movies, I have to admit. I don't watch a lot of movies in general, but when I do, they're never focused on romance unless I'm accompanying friends. I just think most of the women in romantic comedies are awful, unlikeable things that bear no relation to me, what I'm interested in, and the

God damn it
Sometimes I hate my gender. I know I'm not the only girl who hates these kind of movies, but sometimes it's hard to remember that.

My brother didn't start talking until 2 and a half. The doctors said he just didn't want to until then. When he started, he didn't shut up until his teens, but he's pretty normal.

Contacts suck. No matter how much I try and get used to them, they make me want to claw out my eyes.

Also, it takes four goddamn hours to play a 60-minute game when SOMEONE is trying to watch Barcelona, thank you.

Do you like professional sports?
By God, I do! I cheer for all the local teams!

Oh God, yes. That would make my life. (I agree with you, Keen, they're all very pretty but, well, it seems like they're just that- there isn't a lot of the more flamboyant element like last season. I'm looking forwards to seeing them in their own clothes, though.)

I'm waiting for Who Dat Ninja.

It's like The Notebook, only with more compelling characters.

Personally, I don't recognize him when he's not making out with Ewan McGregor while covered in glitter.

At least Dolph has that master's degree in chemical engineering to fall back on.

I'm not hoarding, damn it
I'm collecting.

Oh, Mitchell
The transcript of Cam's Supremes joke doesn't do it justice- the best part was Mitchell looking anguished as to why Cam hoped he ended up on the Supreme Court. (Also, every time some blog refers to the Supreme Court as the Supremes, I giggle for that reason.)