Harbinger of the Arockalypse

The Harbinger is a big Venture Brothers fan. Also, I would like to see more specials on the Dutch.

That sounds a bit like the Champions League final over here, Teo. Weekday, moderately a big deal if you're in a larger city, lots of beer in the middle of the day. Only it's now on a Saturday, which means it will obliterate the Super Bowl's ratings rather than just surpass them.

We Are the World
Was the number-1 song in the country on the day of my birth.

I love Hitler and Hitler loves me!

Tyra wishes she was RuPaul.

Van Damme was pretty good in JCVD.

I'm going to fight for every meter on all three downs.

Yeah. A terrible cover of (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love and Understanding, which somehow ended up on the soundtrack to The Bodyguard, financed an entire album for Nick Lowe.

Yeah, I was really hoping to see Leonard Cohen when they mentioned him. Even if they paired him up with some Idol singer, which would have made me angry. Improperly paired Leonard Cohen is better than none.

Einsturzende Neubauten, Sand
It's a sort of weird song anyway, but Blixa Bargeld is at his creepiest for it. And the breaking glass just helps.

The Xiu Xiu/Michael Gira one isn't bad.

I also love doing this with Star Trek. You watched an episode of Next Generation lately? Everything is sort of grey and clunky.

Wouldn't you think that Macaroons are part Jewish? We eat them at Passover…

Also, when judged against the Netherlands team of 1974.

I think this is worth hating on, because otherwise I'd never have know there is a fucking Insane Clown Posse Western. What the hell?

You need me like the wind needs the trees
To blow in
Like the moon needs poetry
You need me

No. Your friends are weird.

Hitsville UK and Ivan Meets GI Joe are also pretty excellent. I also vaguely recall Police On My Back being a favorite when I was six.

What is it about high school that makes one an obsessive completist? I was one then- first it was collecting every single Smashing Pumpkins release, then everything Bowie (like all 3 single releases of Everyone Says Hi). Somehow since then I stopped being so obsessive about it, and now there are artists/bands that I

Goddamn fucking models
I had the exact same reaction to the models. If the models were meant to be consulted and listened to about design issues, THEY WOULD BE THE GODDAMN DESIGNERS. The models are there to wear the clothes and shut up. If mannequins could walk, they wouldn't be needed. I don't care what they want to