Harbinger of the Arockalypse

No, it was a pretty clear "I would like to go out with you", only it was by text message because I couldn't get up the courage to tell him in person, and that's embarrassing.

I have a male friend that I was fairly close to- we had lots in common, people who met us together thought we were dating, etc. I sent him a message that said I was interested in actually dating him, which he ignored. Now he's with someone else and we don't hang out like we used to, and I feel like shit about it.

Like a balloon and something bad happens!

Suck it, everyone!
As someone eagerly awaiting March 25 (and who has already taken off the 26th so I can be drunk), Seattle's Disastrous Sports Year Continues With Addition Of Major League Soccer Team hit me in just the right way.

A friend of mine who spent some time in Scandinavia is a legitimate Aqua fan. I think the lack of sun does something to a person.

I think part of it is being a young girl at the right time- you can't quite get away from whatever you liked at certain age groups. (Also, we never got Girls Aloud over here.)

For me, it was both kind of liking the Spice Girls and making my first foray into hipster douchbaggery by getting into terrible small-time ska punk bands (no one had heard of them at my middle school, which made me feel totally cool).

I want to know who that bald guy is. Did he win a contest? Or lose a contest?

Oh God, the rap/Autotune verse
That is just horrific, although it does elevate it from "boring and terrible" to "trainwrecky and terrible."

Salmon has never been stylish. You lie, Hug-E-Gram.

I still like a lot of the music I listened to in high school- I listened to a lot of Bowie in that time period, I discovered Bauhaus and post-punk music, etc. But some of the stuff I liked was ridiculous.

It's the part of France where they speak with an English accent.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could sing the entire soundtrack when I was about 13. Hell, I could probably sing most of it now and I haven't listened to it since then, that's how much I listened to it.

Ouch, yeah. I just wrote pretty much the same thing upthread.

Yeah, before the cancellation, it was a favorite show and I was so pissed off that it was cancelled.

I'm not going to say that I'm entirely embarrassed about how much I was into the Smashing Pumpkins, but I no longer think that the Machina concept albums were works of incredible, deep genius.

So Hades isn't the villain? I am mollified. Slightly. (And jealous that they weren't around when I was a kid.)

Also, pee on you.

God damn it, I hate it when Hades is the villain. Otto Man is right, he just is. He's kind of a asshole, but they all are.

The General insurance
Holy shit, I thought I'd hallucinated those. I guess they are real…