Harbinger of the Arockalypse

If Gore Vidal's memoir is even close to the truth, he's kissed more boys than any of us ever will.

All women turn into their mothers, that is their tragedy?

SEX DWARF isn't it nice, luring disco dollies to a life of vice?

I've come to realize that absurdity is what I like about 30 Rock. I was re-watching the first season recently (seasons 1 and 2 were going for very cheap at Target before Christmas), and I found myself missing it.

Well, Sex Dwarf is awesome.

He is from Vancouver, WA. That's a terrible place to be from.

Courtney Love. Man. I defended her for the longest time, although now I just feel sad.

Felt Pelt, what the hell did I just spend 10 minutes watching?

The career of Marc Almond
Both Soft Cell and solo work. If anyone knows Soft Cell or him at all, it's for Tainted Love, but there's been so much weird and wonderful music from him over the past 30 years. This Last Night in Sodom, both Marc & the Mambas albums, Mother Fist, his Russian works of the past few years…

Your live-Tweets are delightful
I know you seem to be worried that you're dropping followers with them, but seriously, they make me actually watch the show when it's on.

No, the Dutch are hilarious. Them and their dikes.

Fucking Seekers. It's a team sport, damn it!

He wears loose-fitting jeans!


My mom informs me I was a huge fan of this show when I was a toddler
This may be why I spend most of my day posting on here.

I kept thinking they were saying Costa Brava, and I was imagining an enclave in Spain a la Underland in Venture Brothers. They break through the wall and hey, there's Barcelona!

They should have bugged me more than they did. I'm kind of ashamed at my excitement for the Winter Olympics. (Totally my favorite Olympics.)

The golf swing part was definitely the best.

The question is, though, who the hell will demand that you renounce Jesus? When was the last time Christians were martyred?

As this show demonstrates, the "hot chicks" are the female equivalent of the douchebags.