Harbinger of the Arockalypse

I've found that Austrians are weirder than Germans, but I wouldn't trust either's comedy much.

I like to think of this as Apollo's doing. Seems his style.

The outdoors are overrated.

I would also like grilled cheese and tomato soup.

I bought myself the Kraftwerk boxset, auf Deutsch. But I used my bonus money so it's kind of like work gave me a present.

I enjoyed the hell out of Sherlock Holmes. It was just what I expected, but in a good way if that makes any sense. The leads were both good in a blatantly gay way (Jude Law in particular was surprisingly excellent), the banter between everyone was fairly witty, it moved very quickly for a 2-hour movie, and the fight…

I hear all the best music in the gym, personally. And by "best" I mean "most commercially successful" which is the same thing, right?

Don't the Christians have enough great artwork about their religion to not have to need Thomas Kinkade? It's not like there's a lack of astounding paintings with Jesus involved.

No, but he had a surprisingly good leap, making up for a lack of height.

Emerging? I'm pretty sure the geeks have been into it for the better part of two decades…

Canadians. It's always their fault, the bastards.

Nor will the pond fill itself with koi, which are apparently insanely fucking expensive considering that they're fish.

I'm having trouble getting past this concept
"a Thomas Kinkade gated community"


My boss insists that Ricky Gervais' band was absolutely huge in the Philippines.

Also, they learn from Real Americans that they could never get from their hollow lives in the city.

Three Sheets is fun, but maybe I'm just indulgent because I liked the episode where he went to Lithuania.

It's the aROCKalypse, Vlad. Very different.

The same universe that Grandmaster Flash does, apparently.

Oh, man. I am definitely buying Der Katalog, then.