Harbinger of the Arockalypse

…why was his daughter having a bris?

Blast from the Past? Anyone?
For some reason- my guess is its rotation on movie channels- my family counts Blast from the Past as a favorite movie. We quote it regularly.

I am seriously considering purchasing this as my Winter Holiday present, but is it only in English? I really want the German versions…

Well, how else are you going to represent something as ephemeral as a soul in the most ridiculously obvious way possible?

Aww, man
Vikings are by far my favorite post-Roman pre-Enlightenment group. I both look forward to the renewed interest, but I dread how they're going to be fucked up.

How can they mention Suedehead and not comment on that he rides a goddamn tractor?

I also may have come up with my own Sailor Scout, whose planet was destroyed to make the astroid belt. She may or may not have been named Sailor Apollo because I was always annoyed that Apollo, my favorite of the Greco-Roman gods, did not have his own planet.

SiberianLawnmower- definitely! And it gave vague mentions to Greco-Roman mythology, which was another favorite thing of mine. But once I started referring to the characters by their Japanese names…

My terrible short story, especially.

Shit, this show is supposed to be in Colorado?

A true lesson for the season
Everyone's faith is weird.

Neither of us (or my little brother) dressed up, but I did buy a signed picture of Ensign Ro, my favorite at the time. I tend to count Sailor Moon as the start of "my" geekiness, because my mom liked Star Trek and I watched with her. It was a family thing. Sailor Moon was all my doing.

There was also the time I made my mom take me to a Star Trek convention, when I was 10.

The Whore Moans
The Seattle ones are actually pretty damn good despite the name. In a 'rawk' sort of way.

Canadians have a problem with sarcasm, due to not having much of a Jewish population.

I'm going to be mocked for this, even here
Sailor Moon, when I was about 10 or 11 years old. I had to learn all about the Sailor Scouts that weren't shown on the American version of the show, the "real" character profiles of the ones that were, villain histories, the mythology, etc. I was way more into it than anyone

Rabin, I love you but
I do think we need someone else writing these. You're convinced something is happening that isn't.

I'm pretty sure a Death in Venice porno should get you arrested, Elitist Trash.

No way. Japanese is kind of obvious. Indian would be awesome, and make it even more like my own office. (Especially if the new bosses coerce Michael into drinking whiskey.)