Harbinger of the Arockalypse

Where do the naked calendars come in? Is that French rules or something?

The priority of tradition
Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with Christmas, but what struck me about this episode was the primacy of tradition when it comes to Christmas. Everything had to be done a certain way, or set up a certain way, because if it wasn't it's just not Christmas.

So clearly, it was the cobbling.

I thought as soon as I saw what was going on that Ash would be good as a sous- that one where he had to work with Bryan he did an excellent job of doing what Bryan told him to do.

Yeah. I'm not angry at the result, but I am sad. Poor Kevin.

It's gone way up to Mars.

The only useful commentator is the quiet English guy who does Bundesliga commentary sometimes. I think his name is Phil Bonney.

I'm pretty much with you, Scott, in that the majority of records I listen to are way older than the year I'm listening them to in. It's always been that way for me, probably since high school.

Well, it's because we're planning to secede. Viva Cascadia!

Being a Jew, I always knew my presents came from my parents. And when and if I have kids, I won't have to deal with lying to them about it for 6-10 years.

Apparently, classmates.com is based here in Seattle. They have a building I drove past once, with their name on it, and I looked in amazement. I should have known there were enough gullible idiots in the world to purchase a whole building…

Anything can happen
When I was a child, Pee-Wee's Playhouse was probably my favorite thing in the world. When I was two I wore a cowboy hat for the entire year because I wanted to be Cowboy Curtis. I adored that show.

more obscure references to make me happy
I know, I know, references aren't comedy, but the "I used to go to the Batcave" bit made me gleeful.

I fully admit to knowing nothing about wine, idiotking. I say "I like rieslings" in the same way that I say "I like electronic music". It's a broad category that I enjoy on a general level, but it's also vast and daunting and I have no fucking clue.

You don't own me!

I, like Donna, love Rieslings. The place I go to watch Top Chef will pour me a glass as soon as I get there. So I'm totally with you on the white wine.

I don't care that it's a cheap drink. I don't care that it's what teenagers in England drink. I love it and can't help it, and if I had to pick only one thing to drink forever, it would be Strongbow. (Thankfully, though, I don't have to, because I like variety.)

I just got your business sext!
I just wanted to write that out, honestly.

Yes. It was before he kicked out the window of the cruiser, but the same guy.

WASPs are also okay to make fun of, last I checked.