Harbinger of the Arockalypse

The best part of this show
Steven Segal and the other cops are breaking up a bar fight, and he describes one of the fighters as "This gentleman is not a very good Zen practitioner."

Yeah, there are a lot of museums that let you take pictures as long as there's no flash. I have some great shots of Roman statues from when I was in Italy. Totally worth it.

Totally. All Yukon Cornelius is doing is responding to the actual smack-talk from Hat Voltaggio, but in a classy way.

I think the somewhat-nitpicky tone of the judges' comments show just how good all the chefs were. The margins of error between going home and winning seemed razor-thin.

Pugs are awesome. I didn't like them until I got to know my friend's pug, Reggie, who is ridiculous and adorable (and a snorty mess sometimes, but hey). He runs around in circles when he's excited.

I want some power-ups! Or at least gold coins.

Yeah, I found Glitter to be a bit more boring. Crossroads was at least mostly nonsensical.

My friend and I went through the same thing with Yo Gabba Gabba videos.

It's a big thing in my family, mostly because it's so crass and weird and insane.

I'm personally excited for a large TV and far too much HD Champions League. Ahhh, parents' house.

Like that Roald Dahl story where the woman kills her husband with a frozen leg of lamb, then cooks it and serves it to the police?

I've made enough gazpacho for all!

They were doing the 4 hours of Star Trek up until very recently. It was on Mondays.

It was in the Dominican Republic, actually, which struck me as odd.

Johan Lennon? The non-union Swiss equivalent?

My cousins had the board game, it was always clearly visible on a shelf with the others. I didn't hear of the band until much later. The name is still kind of associated with my cousins' house more.

Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n
auf der Autobahn.

The whole version in German is the original, by Falco. The English version is a translated cover.

The funny part of that joke was Liz telling Dot Com it was a reference no one would get.

It's like checking in at an Italian sex club.
So true.