Abortions for some, tiny American flags for others!
Abortions for some, tiny American flags for others!
El Santo- we tended to only go to the movies in a group of us on Christmas. We're Jewish, it's practically required.
I think the last movie we all saw as a family, before my brother and I ended up on opposite ends of the country, was A Night at the Museum.
Jurgen Klinsmann still lives in LA, right?
That sounds totally awesome and now I'm jealous.
Also, no plot points revolving around a beloved dog possibly being eaten by Chinese people.
Klaus Wowereit?
What, did 30 Rock depict them as not terrible? I enjoyed watching German TV, but those were some awful comedy shows.
Fuck yeah that's too scary. Bees!
Cajun- do you remember the episode where the alien communication was making it so no one could sleep? I caught it again recently and it was genuinely eerie.
That one episode of Star Trek TNG
where Data has nightmares, and there's the cake that's made of Troi. That scared the shit out of me as a kid and lingers still.
Ouch, Spokane. That sucks, Dude. (The restaurant I was talking about is in Seattle even.)
My friend was trying to argue that jumpsuits like Padma was wearing yesterday are a great fashion trend. Which makes me think that no wonder fashion trends are so damn random, because they're picked by guys like him rather than the women who have to wear the things.
A new gourmet vegan restaurant just opened up around here that's supposed to be pretty good. I can see how it would be a success even if it was just edibleā¦
I'm not a big fan of Robin, and she's deserved to go for a while, but I'm glad to see Mike I go before her. He's such a douchebag that he deserved it.
The woman eliminated first this season made something with seitan that looked inedible.
Yeah. Kevin's dish looked like food and was probably awesome- kale is one of my favorite things.
Tyra's done this before
In some other season, I forget which one. But they made the models do it before.
So wait, the *English* are saying that we're obsessed with boobs? Really?