
I also watched Dredd for the first time over the weekend. Enjoyed it quite a bit, a lot more than I thought I would. You really don't expect a movie like that to have good performances, but the characters that needed to be distinct (which was pretty much just Urban, Thirlby, Headey, Wood Harris, and the perpetually

My exact thought when I saw the headline for this article.

@avclub-9d35a522f2110e528ec23ca381e2dcd8:disqus Throw in zombies and you're just describing your average modern first-person shooter.

Depending on how much Walt embraced his own moral decline, I thought it could be used against DEA people. Seems like a silly theory in retrospect, but it seemed plausible enough at the time.

Some days, the photos just 'shop themselves.

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but you should read It's Superman! by Tom De Haven. It's a retelling of Superman's origin set in the '30s that plays around a little with the key characters personalities while still staying true to their spirit.
After Clark

I think the bigger question is how Zod was able to survive getting repeatedly pounded with enough force to shatter buildings, yet all it took to kill him was a twisting gesture. He's like a jar of pickles.

Francooooooo! *shakes fist*

I doubt very much that this film will leave the same sort of cultural legacy as the Alvin & the Chipmunks Squekquel.

@disqus_XETDBVUGZF:disqus Are you suggesting Peter Dinklage grows into a tall black man after 30-odd years or that his son is a tall black man?

Immediately followed by a half hour of Better Talk About Saul with Chris Hardwick.

For better or worse, Bale gave the character three voices: A Bruce Wayne who's a cocky trust-fund brat, a Batman who's all intimidating growls, and a "real-self" that's mostly only seen by Alfred. Considering the overall arch of the movies (that Bruce eventually gets to retire and be his real-self), this kind of makes

Having recently rewatched large chunks of the Animated Series, I'm pleasantly surprised to notice more and more that Kevin Conroy also does a very good job projecting the Bruce/Bat double personas. It's more subtle than Bale's, but he also does a good job of creating a Bruce Wayne who diverts suspicion by acting

"Abusing the reader"? Huh… I'm in the middle of Telegraph Avenue right now and I've been really enjoying it. Maybe not on the level of other Chabon, but still very much worth it.

@avclub-b4238f7793ec8c1a632f14f2a1766c68:disqus Most churches don't allow much wiggle-room for individual morality, yet most most members of churches, when it comes down to it, come to their own conclusions about what's right and wrong. Often that means coming to a compromise between what you've been raised to believe

This ham gum is all bones!

I don't think there's anything wrong with the uneven way the policy is applied. If reviewing a pilot, what we generally want to know is the overall potential of the series based on what small amount we've seen so far. Reviews for long-running series are only going to be read by the people who enjoy the show, so those

Who cares what they do outside of the podcast? All I care about is the end product. I listen to The Flop House too, but every time Stuart speaks I don't think, "Hey, fuck you, bartender!"

I keep being frustrated by which games are winning the vote. Torchlight 2 is on sale every other day already, and yet it beats out Gunpoint, going on sale for the first time.

My wife was out of town, which meant my weekend was entirely consumed by movies and the Steam Summer Sale.