If I read "It's a boy!" one more time today, I'm going to punch a baby. Didn't they already establish it was going to be a boy?
If I read "It's a boy!" one more time today, I'm going to punch a baby. Didn't they already establish it was going to be a boy?
John Oates' mustache sums up everything you need to know about him.
The whole movie is about a class reunion? Sounds…fun.
*Checks receipt* Yep, that's clearly what you ordered.
*clears throat* english degree followed by a master's in journalism *hacking fit*
But that's how we killed the last failed firstie. Can't we try something new?
My eyeballs decided that Indiegogo was all about funding Hall and Oates. It's been a weird day.
I know I'm old when my younger co-workers enthusiastically talk about getting their W4s and the refund they will be getting.
I feel old when I remember that David Silver is married to Megan Fox. Not because of their ages, though. I just kind of always feel old.
But what I want to know is whether or not not I'll get hit by a car if I blindly walk into an intersection.
That dog pooped in his yard
Kids are dumb and should be banned. Horny nerds and booze can't be anything but a winning combination.
I gave at the office.
Uh, @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus and Pepsi, Jr. are in a commited, monogamous relationship. Duh.
Martin Nimoy is a national treasure!
It cries a single crystal tear?
Just hand him a schtickel of fluoride.
Well what is Walter White going to do with his money? Buy a carwash?
Uh, spoiler alert. Sheesh!