
He gets blown up with head of Danny Trejo.

"In news today, Idris Elba was arrested for starting fires in movie theaters nationwide…"

They are so, like, unfair.

They took his jerb!

Well, the implication was that he was supposed to. But yeah, I guess they just made him crazy in the next one. That one was terrible.

My husband actually left Weekend at Bernie's on this weekend. It hurt my feelings.

Why wouldn't I think that? It's not like I'm expecting much logic out Ms. Isn't It Ironic.

Yes, we did. And I've missed it ever since.

It did, yes. And I almost had the editor job, too. *thisclose*

I prefer singing vaginagrams

Well, the rest is made up in free pizzas.

That fly in your Chardonnay was toxic.

They probably would have made it bigger if they weren't called Spacehog.

I'm just now finding out that's not the lyric. And yes, I did think it was a bear won at a carnival.

Especially after you went down on him in a theater.

That's his name. Call Mr. Sled!

Starring zombified Jack Klugman? I would watch the hell out of that show.

Well, you would know. About their penises, I mean. Because you look at a lot of penises is what I'm saying.

That's crazy talk!

We were supposed to get an Ann Arbor AV Club, but the investor realized he wouldn't get his money back for a long time.