
But he is a rich first person.

Throw cats in the air. Duh.

He's incredibly adorable. But I guess I just like 'em scruffy.

His concussions will be brought about by knocking his head against the toilet repeatedly, yet sexily.

I read that as "homoerotic."

I did initially read the headline as "men" rather than "women," thinking it was either a very progressive move on the Timberwolves part, or they were just trolling them.


Christ! When will Hugh Jactor get to lay around and eat bonbons in peace?! It's like he'll never have time to cultivate a nice round beer belly.

Crap! You made me remember that I have to like Leah Remini now that she quit Scientology.

It's weird that I remember that distinctly as the the plot in an episode of the Monkees. Except, obviously they split the house 4 ways, thereby doubling the comedic effect.

That's what I have, Scrawler. Are we twins separated at birth?

It's Mrs. Scruffylove. But, yeah, with our $6 we could buy a cheap bottle of wine!

I hadn't seen my brother in 8 years, so he flew me and my husband down to visit. He has a fully stocked bar in his house that has a bottle of Ackroyd's vodka that is signed by the man himself.
Moral of the story: My brother is far more successful than me and he never went to college. I have a Masters degree and $3 in

Same here. I heard so much about it, but I was never blown away.

You seem excited. Are you drunk?

Face Off is also a refreshing show in that manner. There's occasionally a "this is a competition" moment, but mostly the artists help each other out. It's nice because they want to win on their merits, not because they're playing a "game."

*Inserts reference, slowly pulls it out and then inserts it again* Oh yeah.

You're really not going to like FXXX: This Is Not FX.

But he's the Skarsgard that made that Skarsgard, so I'm ok with it. Also, SKARSGARD!

*wipes away tear* What a beautiful tribute…