Brazilian Emo Hulk

Never been to Portland, but I live in SF and always hear about the similarities between the two.  The fixed gear rider with the gauged-out ears, the feminist bookstore ladies and just the general… entitled-ness of the populace wreak of San Francisco.  Either way, shit's funny and Carrie's a babe.

Errrrr, isn't 'Louie' on FX, not IFC?

His alter ego will be Rocky Top.

His name is Gary, and its comments like that that are getting us in trouble

Denmark, Botswana and the Moon.  The Big Three.

…who likes The Indigo Girls.

That tuchus by surprise.

I remember being totally freaked out by the 'Zeke the Plumber' episode of 'Salute Your Shorts'.  Crazy loose-fitting mask with no eyes and a plunger?!  Come on!  Shit's scary.  Turns out it was Ug the whole time.

Destiny Turns on the Radio, anyone?

My favorite 'cut-in-syndication' line is from the Simpsons when George Bush moves in across the street.  As Bush is jogging, Santa's Little Helper runs after him and Homer says to himself 'I guess you could say he's barking up the wrong bush!'

Did anyone else think they were talking about the 'Who' documentary/song? Cause, ya know, that's kinda what I was thinking.

Am I just being overly-sensitive, or is the phrase 'flyover country/state' kinda condescending?  I've only lived on coasts my whole life and all, but to insinuate that the other 30-odd states can't possibly be destinations is a touch rude.

I always heard burnt toast for strokes.

A murder… A group of monkeys is called a murder.

Don't trust whitey.

I was rolling when Michael J. said he'd be back in two shakes.

Ooh, clap clap clap.  Nice Salute Your Shorts reference.

Who told you to put the balm on it?  Did I tell you to put the balm on it?  Do you even know what balms do?!  They're unpredictable!

I also love this movie unconditionally.  And no one has mentioned Danny Elfman's score.  I don't think Beetlejuice would be the same without it.

Now Lennon & Garant can buy and sell all their sorry asses with that sweet, sweet Night at the Museum cheddar.