Brazilian Emo Hulk

Yeah, I think he's less a writer than a character/ensemble actor.  As a result, he probably gets less of the really funny lines and more the I'm-a-good-looking-Eyetalian-with-good-comic-timing material.

'You gotta prosecute the pussy' was new to me though.

Bob Geldof was out of touch

Fun Story
My dad saw these guys in the late 70's and the guy sitting next to him at the show asked if he minded if he 'sparked up' or whatever drug slang was hip at the time.  My dad, thinking it was a joint, said 'Sure, go ahead' and the dude pulled out a syringe and shot up.  He got so fucked up, the guy fell over

Does this mean
Adam Sandler's 'Canteen Boy' will be coming to a googleplex near you? I'll use my free AMC pass to watch him rub oil on Alec Baldwin.

She's the poor man's Aniston.

Anyone know why the show is 'Louie', but it stars 'Louis' CK? Am I missing something? Is fictional 'Louie' just an alter ego of the real 'Louis'?