
I'm just a little south of you in Suburban Kingston. I feel your pain. We used to go on field trips to the Museam of Civilization all the time when I was in public school.

I snorted when he said that, but then I thought, "Do we really call them that and I just didn't get the memo?"

It was weird because I always thought the show took place in the late 80s or early 90s from all the outdated technology they use (just look at those huge monochrome monitors). I know they've always used cellphones, but I chalked that up to advanced spy technology. This is an obvious Instagram spoof, which implies a

Has anyone else listened to the new Cherlene album they released? I've been listening to it and it's pretty good. Now, I do like country music, so your mileage may vary.

Come on, man!

Yyyyyuuuuupp. Happens to me all the time.

I'm surprised I liked this one as much as I did (I'd say B+/A-). I mean, Ghostfacers episodes can be fun, but they aren't exactly masterpieces either. But I thought this one teetered on being really great.

Well, technically, Superman doesn't fly either, right?

Wow. Where did all these trolls come from?

♫ ♪ ♫
Da da da da da da. Da da da da da da.
I don't wanna wait
For my lunch to get colder
Da da da da
Why cant I eat it now?
I dont wanna wait
Ba na na na new Toyota
I want the car that's got a lotta gas.
♪ ♫ ♪

I'm the same way. As long as that something between me and the open air is not just glass. I refuse to go up the CN Tower because of it. I would be reduced to a small child crawling on the floor weeping (the floor at the top is made of glass, in case you didn't know).

No he's not. He's an angel and we're thrilled he's here.

Yeah. They even make reference to how "perfection is expensive" in the episode. And that "informant" made reference to how expensive his exo-skeleton was. So, yeah, I don't buy Neckbeard's argument that "the show makes [it] out to be minimal cost."

"And you snore."
"How do you know I snore?"
"Your smart bed told me."
"Oh, I didn't realize you two had a relationship."

No, I think it's irony. They couldn't find a gun when they were literally surrounded by guns.

Wet Painters is my personal favourite episode. In fact, combined with the Krusty Krab Training Video, it's just a suberb episode all around.

Guys. Guys. We all know what the best song is.