
So, did Stevie's breath smell like alcohol when visiting David in jail (when she was supposedly sober and in AA) because Conrad had somehow got her drunk? I didn't make that connection until now.

Well get a melode of you.

Tell me about it. As someone whose grandma just recently passed away with Alzheimer's, this hit pretty close to home. :(

Oh Scully is an amazing detective for sure…

Yes. I'm not sure it would work as a whole TV series, but a feature film (like it looked like it was in the show) would be amazing.


Sure… (For the record, I don't really like labels. Music is music.)

I could go for some Ball Fondlers.

You laugh, but I would watch the hell out of some of these. Two Brothers, Last Will and TestiMEOW, Ball Fondlers…

Any episode where Cyril, Ray, and Archer are in an isolated situation is an A in my books. I'd even watch an episode of the 3 of them trapped in an elevator. Archer could use his inevitably vast knowledge of elevator shafts (seriously, no phrasing?) to lead them all to the nearest floor. He'd probably have to carry

It kind of makes me wonder if there's some debate in the writer's room about retiring it, but some writers don't want to see it go.

Well, I am mostly a country guy, and I also really enjoyed it.

How committed must Ray have been to teaching Archer a lesson if he could still just lie there while those crocs went to town?

Bat-mitzvah? More like BUTT-mitzvah, amirite Tina?

Well, it's been fun bro-ing out with my dogs, but I have to go now.

Nice username.

I wonder if they're basing Kate off of Malin Ackerman, like HIMYM did with Robin. She was born in Sweden (to Swedish parents I assume), and Walrus (Val-roose) sounds like it could be Swedish. And she moved to Canada when she was 2, hence the Canadian part.

I think this was my favourite episode in a while. The whole fake-relationship-to-cover-up-a-lie thing has been done to death in sitcoms, but boy did it pay off with mentally challenged Grayson. That's probably the hardest I've ever laughed at this show.