
I've been going "full Boyle" on this show since the beginning.

I think "It takes two wings…for a bird to dance" is my favourite.

I bet that, by airing them out of order like this, it has the same type of effect as watching them in order and then going back and watching the old episodes again. Just think of any show that had a slow start, like Parks and Rec or Fringe. When I go back and watch those early episodes now, they don't seem so bad

I got the sense that she never felt like she belonged with them, and felt like she was a "natural." It looked like she sympothized with the natural she was interviewing. And she sorta took offence when she identified her as a "chrome."

Sometimes, I catch myself feeling for these characters! For example,
this week Emma got a phone call from Joe, finally confirming that he was
alive, and was overjoyed to hear his voice. Good for Emma, I briefly
thought, before realizing what a stupid thing was happening.

The Sheriff. Really memorable performance, cool female character.

Yeah, I didn't think this episode was that bad either. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible (I particularly liked the gross deflating effects). I mean, in an episode about overweight people, it could have been much worse, and we could have been having the virgin debate again. (Is it just me, or did it seem like

The show has always been pretty inconsistent with Dean's "yay kill monsters" mentality. Sometimes he's okay with letting a good one go, sometimes he's not. It depends on his mood, I guess.

It's like he knew that would happen.

Does this mean Kate's Canadian? Because I am all for that.

I kinda wish this were Fringe so we could have Malin Akerman do impersonations of the whole cast. I bet she could do it.

Oh man, I laughed all the way through the commercial break at that. Just the sight of them moving awkwardly together… Then Terry yelling at them… I'm cracking up just typing this.

Yeah, well, TVByTheNumbers has been wrong many times before. I respect their opinions, but I don't always agree with them.

Not many anymore, evidently.

Berkley: "Friendship is like a, um… it's like a beautiful flower, and you have to nourish it, okay? You can't just buy it at a store."

@disqus_vWZKVfu0QF:disqus Last night's numbers are in and it ticked down just a tenth in the demo (after a long break), tying The Following but beating it in total viewers by almost a million.

I'm right there with you, except for Mindy. I've given that show multiple chances, but I just can't get into it. I guess I just don't find Mindy Kaling that funny? Or maybe I'm subconsciously holding onto some resentment towards the show for surviving over Ben and Kate.

It took me a while to "get it" too. But I think it was somewhere near the beginning of the second season I started to really like it. I think for me, it was the running jokes/gags that started to get me hooked and those took some time to establish maybe? I dunno.