
They are too, eh? :P

That's what I was waiting for! The procedural stuff is fun, but it needed a compelling ongoing story/mythology, which this episode delivered. I like the idea of this wall because it opens up so many possibilities. Could this be Almost Human's Over There?

I'm optimistic about another season. For one, no back nine doesn't mean anything because Fox has been clear that they are going for a cable-like model of 13 episode seasons (see The Following, Sleepy Hollow). Secondly, while the ratings dipped at the beginning, they have actually went up for the last couple of

That's the beauty of it. It could be almost anything. In fact, I hope they don't reveal it for as long as possible.

Except the pilot, which was shot in Toronto.

That was when I knew she was part of the cult. FORESHADOWING!

It was so bizarre having Jeff Rechner as the narrator because he is also the guy who does all of the voiceovers for City TV (the channel on which Raising Hope airs in Canada). So imagine going from him telling you about next week's episode of Mom, to him talking about what's happening during Raising Hope. It was like

I dunno. I kinda hope it's a running gag all season, with increasingly absurd places.

Fun fact: Not only is "Cronenberg" the name of the writer/director of The Fly, which I did not know until I googled it (it all makes sense now), but he is also Canadian. So… WOO CANADA!

Well, I could pull some choice quotes from this week's Parks that tell me that I'm not missing out on much…

I live in the Great White North, also known as Canada, and 'round these parts, we have iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, and then spinach and cabbage. At least, that's all I've ever noticed/heard of.

Until this week, I had never heard of chard. Now it's everywhere. Is this a made-up TV vegetable?

It was the Halloween episode where they went to Pierce's house.

I know it's sacrilege, but I think my favourite Troy moment was from last season…
"Why does he have so many collars? Hhhhuuuu! Secret dogs!"

I stopped reading after "Andy is one of my least favorite characters."

Just seeing him sing about boogers among a group of small children made me realize that he was right where he belongs. Because, really, Andy is just a kid in an adult's body.

I agree. To me, this is Supernatural at it's best. I think it was last week I was saying that I loved seasons 4/5 because they did such a great job at linking the biblical scripture stuff (whether real, made-up, or twisted) with the Winchesters. And that's exactly what they've been doing this season.

Those poor orphans. Fatherless, mother-having orphans.