
I'd be a stay-cation. Travelling sucks.

YES! And the horse with FREAKIN FLAME EYES! It's like, think of the most badass thing, and then keep going. THIS SHOW!

Now I'm second guessing everything and wondering if we haven't met Pestilence and/or Famine. What if it's Jenny or Irving? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE.

Oh also, they like to show those shots of all the Horsemen riding on the horses (mostly together, but sometimes on their own ala Pestilence). Until this episode, Death was the only one any of the characters had interacted with. So it seems like these could be more symbolic or in another dimension of some sort. Maybe

Yeah, we also saw War. But we didn't see who was under the armour.

So, in this season, we found out that 2 of the 4 Horsemen are really people from Ichabod's past. How much do you wanna bet that the next 2 will be from Abbey's past?

Oh, it’s a man’s face. I suppose that’s charming.

Technically it should only be 8 months, assuming the new season starts around this time September. So there, I just scraped a month off. :)

That's what I thought too. I wasn't surprised by his sudden but inevitable betrayal. But when he revealed he was Jeremy all along, my jaw dropped. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming because I knew Ichabod/Katrina's son was gonna come in to play somehow. I guess I just got caught up in all that was happening.

As I said somewhere else on here, I'm hoping that they find a way of keep Katrina around. A nice spin on "Ichabod deals with modern day" would be "Ichabod teaches Katrina how to deal with modern day." Their brief interaction, where he explained to her what "cool" meant, was cute.

I'm hoping they find a way to keep Katrina out of Purgatory, because I really want to see more of Ichabod teaching her the ropes of modern day living. It was cute.

Jenny could always wake up or be found. She obviously knows that Parish is War and she likely knows where they went. Katrina could escape (she is a witch after all). Abbey could find a way out of purgatory. Irving could be released (because, I mean, what evidence is there). There are a million ways things can go

I have one word: COOL! (It's a figure of speech. You'll learn.)

"Step 1: Chill out a bit. Step 2: Get up there and rip it."

Did anybody else notice the extra in the bar scene who looked like a douchebag (okay, more of a douchebag) version of Dave from Happy Endings? I tweeted a screengrab here: https://twitter.com/douglas…

I'm a little disappointed that they didn't start calling him 'Lenny' after last week's mix-up. But I guess that was Tom's mistake, not Larry's, so it kinda makes sense.

It was hilariously over-the-top, but also exactly how you would expect Ron to react.