
Me too! I was just saying over in the Bob's Burgers review that, between these and Twincinnati, it was a great night for fictional movies.

"As if."

Oh, and now The Simpsons have added a ton more, including, but not limited to, Radioactive Man Re-rises, Audiobook: The Movie, and The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy 3 Part 1 (obviously a Peter Jackson production).

Well, we can add Twincinnati: Two Twins Who Live in Cincinnati to the list of fictional movies I want to watch (and also the list of movies with unnecessary subtitles). It sounds twin-teresting. Although I do have concerns with it taking away jobs from other actresses who look like that actress.

*peeks out of dark corner* Is it… Is it safe to come back to the Community reviews/comments now that Dan Harmon is back? Can I… like things without being shot down because… because Dan Harmon didn't have anything to do with it?

Exactly. That's why it worked so well. Not only did I start to fall for it, it was also really poetic and satisfying.

They pulled off something masterful here. For the first half of the episode, I was really bothered by Nikita's behaviour, and everyone saying that she was going dark. It didn't sound like her character at all. Then, about halfway through, I just started to accept it. They convinced me that she snapped when Ryan died,

Well, it was mentioned that the payments started small and then increased over time. So it's likely that they started small enough that the patients could afford them. Even if you knew you were being extorted and weren't going to be able to make future payments, you would still get to extend your life and the time you

Man, that case was deep. "Because we're doing our jobs, they're gonna die."
I mean, on one hand the operation is really shady and exploitative. But on the other, why not let someone buy more time with their family? Some solid sci-fi/morality goodness in this ep.

"It’s an introduction to the singing, I guess, but this episode never really establishes why any of this is going on."

Global has stupid priorities (Survivor over Bob's?). But it meant that I got to hear Jingle in the Jungle, so all is well.

"If I were mayor, I'd turn the town seal into a shark so it could eat the other town seals."

I'm so glad they found a reason to bring her back. She is a delight.

Larry: *hands Princess Leia the pony* "May the horse be with you."
Me: *slow clap*

I think this show may be one of our best ever exports. It still amazes me how popular this show is in the States.

Thank you! It looks like that may be scraped content from this blog.

Yeah, I can't think of any other way to spell gumplefick. And that's definitely what it sounded like he was saying. I dunno.

He's obviously not a Milford man. Doesn't he know that children should be neither seen nor heard… nor set things on fire with their mind?