
So much awesome vocabulary tonight. Also: WASHINGTON'S BIBLE!

I thought the bad luck medium story was really sweet, even if it didn't have anything to do with anything else. The actress really sold it.
It's a shame that this show almost definitely isn't going to make it beyond this season, because I'm really liking it. (Edit: I may have spoke too soon. The ratings ticked up last

Declining a wedding invite to her own son's wedding is such a Victoria thing to do.

"Kids are horrible. Why do we keep making them?"

I know she's always subtly said it that way, but did it seem more obvious to anyone else that Martha Plimpton was saying "Sabriner" in the second episode?

Unlike Phil, I loved the Obamacar joke. I actually snorted.

I've been enjoying this show for the most part. It's not great, but it's okay with occasional glimpses at greatness. Cara and John's backstorys were a highlight, and I enjoyed watching scenes with Stephen and Astrid once she found out about his powers. I don't necessarily agree with all of Rowan's points, but I do

Okay, anyone who doesn't like Kristen Bell can get out of my thread. I will have none of this. :P

Did anybody else get an Ichabod Crane vibe from Malachi?

"Psychologists are just people who weren't smart enough to be psychics."

(In my best Andre Braugher deadpan): "I've already seen the [episode]. I enjoyed it."

Agreed on the gender gap. I wish they'd use detective Stahl more. I liked what I saw in the brief scene she had with Rudy when they were preparing him. It wasn't much, but she provides a gentle touch to all the… gruffness.

Now I did. They're easy to miss because they're only in the one sideways shot, but they're definitely there. Nice catch!

I just got to watch it. And, yes, they were pretty amazing.

Me too. @avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus has me anxious to see them now, but I have to wait until tomorrow when it comes online. :(

There were lots of callbacks last night, like Burt Bucks and Jimmy's eyebrow eating.

I genuinely want to see Chihuahua Attorney: Justice Bites.

Well put. I'm trying to stay out of the sexism discussion because I feel like having a penis strips me of that right. But hypothetically, if I were to have an opinion, it would gravitate toward this.