
@avclub-2f2b7ca7553ba4230cad836ea1125578:disqus @Scrawler2:disqus @avclub-e19801f9caf39bff8afc5e4548f2942d:disqus First of all, I don't think any of you are assholes. All is good.

"…groaning and rolling my eyes…"

I've been wavering between B+ and A-, but I'm going with the A- because of Barley and Jimes.

I think this comments section contains the most downvotes I've seen so far on here. I guess that's what happens when reviews touch on controversial issues like sexism.

I wasn't as bothered by the sexism Eric talked about (mainly because I don't actively look for it, and only notice it if it's blatant). But the episode was also kinda… "sticky."

Well thank you for sharing.

"I ran out of salt so I used baking soda."
"Why wouldn't you. They're both white powders. Of course they're interchangeable!"

It's the one case he can't solve.

She also points out that we learned that Abbie's real name is Grace Abigail Mills in an earlier episode, which is interesting now that we know that Grace Dickinson was her ancestor.

I continue to like this show, as I expected. I love all the cool tech, like the virtual crime scene tape that scanned their identities as they entered the building.

Personally, I didn't care about how he knew how to light road flares. I was too thrilled by the lighting and intensity of that scene to care. It was so AWESOME!

I believe it was introduced in Season 1's "Bed & Breakfast" (Confirmed!) when all the kids sleep in their parent's bed.

It's just moving to TBS. Everything else should remain the same.

They did review (the first 3 episodes of) Nikita, albeit in their TV Reviews section.

Rat Race is one of my favourite movies. I watched it so many times that, and I swear I'm not joking, I used to be able to recite the entire movie from start to finish.

It was probably a good choice to change the name to "Natesville Optometry" from "Lens Armstrong" after the steroids fiasco, but I still love the pun.

Mine too. It's the joke that keeps on giving.

Ha. Never even noticed the Ann Arbor connection.

Kudos to The CW for giving them 6 episodes to wrap up. A lesser network would just cancel it.