
I've been thinking about where the show could go now that Leslie has been recalled, and I think I just came up with a good idea: What if Ben ran for Mayor? It would be an opportunity for him to make up for the Ice Mayor fiasco, as well as some tension/jealousy between him and Leslie.

I LOVE the Larry name change. I mean, let's not forget that his name is actually Garry, but he goofed up and said "Jerry" when he first started and it stuck. This is just a repeat of that incident, albeit one where the other characters are aware of his actual name. At least they're not calling him "Farthead" or

"It always amuses me how it just seems to roll right off of him."

"Fluoride" -> A-
"Cones of Dunshire" -> B+
Combined score -> B+

While I am not a woman, I would like to also throw my support behind Jamm. He's not my favourite character, but I find him funny most of the time.

"It's not a chemical. It's an aquatic-based social media oral experience." #TDAZZLE

I'm kinda liking Craig as an addition to the cast. My favourite part was when he yelled at Larry.

"White space is wasted space."

I'm 3 weeks behind on most TV, including Revolution, but now I'm really looking forward to catching up given this grade.

Yes, I do leave lots of head room when taking pictures. You can always zoom and crop later, but you can never zoom out or move out of frame once it has been taken.

I'm with the majority (I think). If "Old School" was an A (which it was), then this was definitely an A-.

Why do people hate whitespace? It's like you're not happy unless every inch of space is utilized. But sometimes less is more.

Agreed about the lawn mower scene. That was cringeworthy. The whole time I was thinking, "You fool! Use a stick!"

I thought the ghost MOTW was refreshing. Back to basics, you know? It had been so lond since they've dealt with a ghost, it took me a while to remember the "rules."

You're my hero. I hereby nominate @avclub-9802e9f46fa34faab35e567f12cd5608:disqus' comment as the first post.

So maybe just one for describing TV shows in general. You could definitely come up with some weird, but accurate, descriptions of pretty much any show.

The best part of the fist bump was Ichabod's reaction as he turned away.

Someone should start a Tumblr for trying to describe this show to other people. It always sounds so comically absurd (which it arguably is, but moreso when written like this).

"She dumped her fiance for you… wow, you got some game."
"I neither wanted nor did I invite 'game.'"

Well, they're basically the same. Over There was more technologically advanced than Over Here, so future Over Here is pretty much just like past Over There. If that makes any sense…