
Grading will be back by Jan 1, apparently. And I think notifications will be back too. It's just gonna take a bit to build on top of the redesign.

This show is pretty much just all the "Over There" episodes of Fringe. And I am VERY okay with that.

I literally laughed out loud when I realized she was doing the fake pregnacy thing. It may be "nasty, nasty business" but we shouldn't forget that Daniel isn't so innocent. He does know about his father framing David Clarke and did nothing, not to mention his current indescretions with Sarah. He deserves this.

Well, they clearly still have enough to throw extravagant parties, so…

Fox only ever "released" season 2 and 3 as Amazon Ceatespace DVDs (which is basically just Amazon burning the episodes to DVD-Rs), so… never?

It's like a low class Parks and Rec.
That's actually a really good way to sum up this show.

Four seasons in, and this show's still got it. However, I can't help but think how much funnier it would be if it were called "Raising Edgar."

That's amazing.

“I’m not a sore loser. It’s just that I prefer to win, and when I don’t, I get furious."

I, too, thought they kinda wasted a good opportunity to examine human suffering with this new angel. It's like all the pieces were there, but they couldn't stick the landing.

I kinda wish they hadn't already used the actress who plays Ethel Beavers on Parks, so that she could've been the stenographer here.

It's understandable. English is silly.

"Turn off your mouth siren!"

That's how it's pronounced, but it's spelled "Lieutenant." Like "Colonel" is pronounced "Kernal" (although I'm surprised Americans haven't started saying "Colon-ell.")

I haven't decided whether I will continue to hate-watch that show or not. I guess there's not much else on Mondays, but is it worth the weekly aneurysm?

In case the picture vanishes from the screen like it did a moment ago.

Lots of good quotes tonight, but I think this exchange was my favourite:

This show is like crack to me. I'm addicted. I'm just not looking forward to the withdrawal I will go through in a few months when the season ends.

Were you charged a fee for that water? My God, it should be an inalienable right. Where do the courts fall on this?

Yeah, well… small victories. (I also didn't mention that Dads gets more viewers than Brooklyn Nine-Nine. *sigh* You win some, you lose some.)