
I think the same can be said of New Girl this season (although you can't prove it with that show).

If I ever open a candy store, I'm gonna call it Baby's Candy Store. And it's gonna have the tightest security ever.

Meg episodes are almost always terrible. This one had a lot of good jokes (the menstrual cycle, the "have my back" joke, etc.), which is all I can ask for from a Family Guy episode, especially modern day episodes.

Monster Movie is another good one. But I found "The French Mistake" kinda gimmicky. Please don't hurt me. :(

The only chance of that happening is through Amazon CreateSpace, which is essentially just Amazon burning the episodes on DVD-Rs, with 0 extras. And if it was going to happen, it probably would've happened by now. I wouldn't hold your breath.

This may be an appropriate place to mention that the 3 unaired episodes of Ben and Kate are now available on iTunes and Amazon. Haven't watched them yet, but I'm sure they will be great.

Maybe they're partners in crime. Or competing factions of aliens trying to take over the planet. AAHHH!!!

I thought it was just that they had found something that would actually be grounds for taking him into custody, other than just a hunch. Before, they had absolutely no evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) to connect him to the crime, and therefore had no reason to arrest him. Now they have something that should be

Why to murder us all, silly. Didn't you see the end of the episode where the dogs go to town on that evil chef? They're obviously getting close to us to learn our weaknesses so they can kill us all when the time is right.

I agree that it was "the best 'Then' ever."

I loved this episode even before Dean turned into a dog.

That's an interesting theory…

I've been doing some thinking, and I've got some ideas to improve the show. One, whenever John Noble's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's John Noble"? Two—

I didn't need the scene to realize it. But, yes, it was very fun.

I didn't get that impression. It sounded like, that by eating Ichabod's sins, he was breaking the connection. Problem solved.

I was pretty giddy during that final sequence with him in the cave. Just seeing him makes me happy. I mean, he's terrifying, yes, but in this AWESOME way.

No, the funniest part was that he thought it was happening again, implying he's done it multiple times.

I was thinking the same. Especially since his dad has been mentioned a few times, including tonight, which all seemed like they were hinting at something.