
It's so weird for a new show I love to not be in danger of cancelation. What is this feeling?

Yay! I've really fallen for this show. I was hoping that they would work some schedule magic and extend it to 22 episodes - or, you know, just cancel The Following already - but this is the next best thing. I guess we'll just have to wait a whole 8-9 months for new episodes come January. Ugh.

You nailed it. That's exactly how I first perceived Supernatural. But I'm so glad I decided to give it a chance (I just wish it hadn't taken me 6 seasons) because it stands as one of my favourite shows. The first five seasons were so well done.

In my opinion, the show kicked into another gear when they brought Felicity to the team. She adds a bit of humour and fun to the show that I think it needed. And I also really like it when shows make their resident tech nerd a female - and not a stereotype!

I let go of my preconceived notions about The CW after I binge-watched Supernatural a couple years ago (and loved it), and frankly I've been better for it. Since then I found Nikita and Arrow, and I fully plan on giving The Tomorrow People and The 100 a shot.

I was thinking about giving up on this series until I heard that he was coming aboard. If this episode is a sign of things to come, I think we can expect great things. GREAT things.

I really enjoyed that episode. Like really. I think we may be at a turning point in this series.

My thoughts exactly. In fact, as a viewer, I was undecided on which choice he should make. So how are we to expect him to be any more decisive? Sure, he shouldn't have strung them along like that. But, like you said, they sorta backed him into a corner.

@avclub-3c186e3d9f3f1722bba47d613f1604ad:disqus @avclub-286fc7dfa2d4ca45bfa315abf591138d:disqus Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down. Calm down. I'm not saying that the shows are anything alike, obviously. I was merely making an observation about how I found Breaking Bad hard to watch/enjoy (and had to force myself to finish it

It's true that a lot of comedies with laugh tracks today are garbage, but you're missing out if you completely dismiss every one that ever had one. There are two good ones that come to mind immediately: Friends (sorry, but it was a pretty good show that I still quote to this day), and The IT Crowd. Oh and Seinfeld, of

Have you ever seen a sitcom before? This plot is pretty well-tread (Exhibit A: Ross and Rachel), and they almost always get back together (see Exhibit A).

It's weird how I never noticed that their characters were so similar until they put them together. They both do those silly voices/personas, and I totally buy that they would both be into that.

Well, if you're weird then so am I because I liked it better too. We can be weird together.

You know what I find pretty funny? There was a show that just wrapped up on Sunday night where the main character (and arguable most of the others) was a complete and utter asshole / piece of scum / waste of a human being. And everybody *loved* it; some even sympathized and rooted for this character.

Here's a GIF wall of the rest.

I did the same. Except everyone already thinks I'm crazy so…

Am I the only one who actually likes the title? It's kind of ironic. Plus, I like what they did in the opening credits where they did "First Wife," "Second Wife," "Trophy Wife" flipbook-style.

So I just noticed that this was the third episode they made. Not sure what that means, just thought I'd throw it out there.