
I concur. They have great chemistry. I especially liked that scene at the beginning where they're crawling on the floor. Both actors looked like they were having fun.

I said it in the New Girl review, and I'll say it again here: Tonight was a good night for funny dancing.

I demand a gif of Nick dancing. Between this and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, it was a good night for funny dancing.

That's my bet too. Plus, isn't she married to Ned now? He doesn't really have a good track record when it comes to wives…

Apparently they got the one waiter in Montreal that doesn't speak english.

Yeah, there was something there. It's unclear whether he's evil or not, but he definitely knows more than he lets on.

Couldn't agree more. I find myself looking forward to this show more than any other (except, perhaps, Parks and Rec and Bob's Burgers). I think it's my new Fringe.

I'm not saying this show is perfect (far from it), nor is it my favourite show. The point I was trying to make is that they are almost on opposite sides of a spectrum, of which I prefer the OUAT side to the BB side.

For me, season 3 of Alias was leaps and bounds ahead of season 4. Season 4 felt like they were trying to reboot the show as something it was not, and lost the things that made it good. I guess that doesn't bode well for Revenge, does it?

I'll take a show like this, with characters and silly plots that I enjoy watching, over Breaking Bad anyday. I forced myself to watch that show this month, after what seems like literally everybody saying it was the greatest show ever, but I can't say I was a fan. Sure, it was well-made, but I just didn't care about

I'm one of those people who still watch this show (pretty) faithfully. I acknowledge that it isn't what it used to be, but it can still be good at times. I disagree with most on when the series peaked (I tend to think it was around seasons 7-15 - mid-era Simpsons).

Well, I meant his absence from Pawnee happenings. But from what I've heard, it sounds like he won't be on the show that much for a few episodes. It's entirely possible that they filmed a few scenes while they were in London to sprinkle throughout, so who knows. But I doubt that they kept a film crew in London just to

I liked how they wrote Chris Pratt's coming absence into the show. It was funny in its utter laziness. Like: "Hey, I need one of you to stay here in London for… let's say… 3 months because of reasons!"

"Bloody hell, Jerry!"

Oh man. That reference never even crossed my mind. You win, my friend. You win.

So who had Ross in the "Which Friend Would Outlast the Others in a Post-Apocalyptic Scenario" pool? I was so sure it would be Phoebe because of her scrappy street smarts from when she used to live on the streets.

For me, the dick tagger plotline was worth it for this:

Schmidt's dope abrevs made me miss Penny and Happy Endings. When is Brad - I mean - Damon Wayans Jr coming on the show? Any chance he could bring along the entire HE cast and turn this into the greatest show on television?

I liked it. I think my expectations were a bit inflated from all the positive buzz I've been hearing, but I still enjoyed it. It has the hard parts figured out, it just needs to be a bit funnier for my taste.