
I choose A. Final answer.

I was never really worried like most people here. I knew it would have to be in a dream sequence or something and I was fine with that. I mean, it's not like he was writing the episode or anything.

"Will I have pants on in this dream?"
"Only if you wear these dream pants."
"Hey, this is a diaper!"
"Put it on and shut up!"

Don't forget “Ah, just as I had no idea…”

Well all I know is that there are a number of Americans who have no idea what you're talking about when you use it. Also, Wikipedia seemed to confirm it. Maybe it's one of those east coast vs west coast things.

This seems like an appropriate place to mention that yesterday I learned that Canadians (and maybe the British?) are the only people who use "bum" as a word for "ass" (i.e. rear end). My world has been shaken.

Also, was that Calculon that the guy was working on? That would be a nice little nod to last week's episode.

@avclub-8eb12b45c6eb5b9675c0976c8ece470c:disqus but then we would lose our connection to Jean Ralphio, and I simply will not stand for that.

As a fan of Scooby Doo (especially classic Scooby Doo), I loved the first segment. Sure there were some obvious been-there-done-that jokes, but I just really enjoyed the animation, which was pretty spot on. Also, Nixon dubbing over G.I. Zapp killed me.

I didn't see it coming either. Even though I did read the comments of people who thought it was her, I just shrugged it off as them looking too much into it.

That exchange really made me wish that the Zap and Kif spinoff had actually happened. It would've been great, even if it was just Zap saying stupid things and then Kif saying "Ugh" over and over again.

As the title card said: "Any Resemblance To Actual Future Is Purely Coincidental."

"You've accurately portrayed the nature of my grievance."

I completely lost it after that.

Whoops. That must've been what was going through my head subconsciously. It was early. I was tired. Mistakes were made.

How could you bring up the FDR advisor quote without talking about the rest of the conversation? It was probably my favourite part of the episode:

The thing with these jokes is that you can always think that they aren't referring to the things we know today. Maybe LinkedIn is something entirely different (a network that you actually physically "link" into?). Maybe PayPal becomes synonomis with any sort of money transfer (like Klenex is synonomis with facial