
Naw, the new episodes are still pretty good. I thought there was kind of a rough spot during last summer's bunch of episodes (early season 7), but just watch them all. There's normally at least a few funny lines or visual gags to justify it. You can probably skip the movies though. They just weren't the same (although

I thought that last shot of the demon baby looking up at the attacking enemy ships and smiling was pretty much definitive proof that it wasn't normal.

That bit pictured in the photo at the top gets me every time. What was he looking at?

I think my favourite episode of the season was "Right Turn or Left For Dead." I just really liked the structure/gimmick of that episode with the way it weaved together both alternate realities (or 1 reality and 1 possible reality).

Yeah, I was wondering where the musical was going to fit in. I had assumed that it would follow the events of the last episode of the season, but I'm now wondering if it fills in that mysterious gap in Shawn/Juliet's relationship. It just seemed odd for them to suddenly be back together, when their breakup was such a

I can assure you that September's Notebook is gorgeous and worth every penny. It's about an inch thick and hardcover with a faux worn leather look and only the Observer writing on it (there's a little paper wrapper that comes off if you don't want it). The pages are a thick matted paper, with glossy photos and "tape"

Kevin's been watching too much Grimm.

As for the Parks book, I did read that, and it's great (their newsletters can also be pretty funny). I also really liked the episode they "wrote around it." In terms of the better plug I'd say that Parks felt more natural than Psych's because it seemed like Leslie would actually write a book about Pawnee, whereas

I plan to. I saw it in a bookstore and it looked like it could be fun. (I didn't buy it then, because I buy books on Amazon - WAY cheaper.) They went to great lengths to make it seem like Shawn and Gus wrote it. I was trying to find out who really did because I wanted to know whether it was an actual writer(s) on the

I saw that ending coming as soon as Nick saw the man in the top hat on top of the shipping container, and then proceeded to chase him. I kept yelling at the TV: "Just SHOOT him. You have a gun. You know he spits paralyzing goo. So why are you getting close to him? WHY?!?"

I can see how it would be difficult to drop in and out of this show, especially in the first 2 seasons, because of all the seemingly shifting allegiances (i.e. people working inside of Division who are really aligned with Nikita). But you should give it another shot, watching it all from the beginning. It gets

That sequence was so great. I thought the episode was over but then I looked at the clock and there were still 10 more minutes. It's almost too bad that they couldn't just wrap everything up by the end of the season and have that be the very last scene of the series. But I won't complain about 6 more episodes.

I only started watching it about a year ago. I blasted through the first 2 season in time to watch season 3 live.

Well I think that this season has been absolutely fantastic. The way Nikita and company slowly became like the old Division was really well done. And Amanda was/is a great villain. That episode where she reveals that she killed her father, and then killed and stole the identity of the twin sister that tried to rescue

I mostly agree with this. Although, the season 4 premier ("Fun Run") is one of my all time favourite episodes. It gave us Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure, or MSDMSMPMCRAPAFRRFTC for short.

It looked like a regular starring role. He's like the main bad guy, I think.

I don't know about that. It seems doubtful because he's got a new regular gig on the new CW series, The Tomorrow People.

You know what other TV show takes place in Chicago? HAPPY FREAKIN' ENDINGS!!!

OOOOOOOOOOOhhhh… I like where this is going.