
I liked Shawn fistbumping a lifeless passed-out Gus at the end.

Oh my (falling) stars! That was one hell of a final act. I'm looking forward to season 9.

Did anybody else notice that "performance enhancing enthusiasm" is P.E.E.? Was that joke intentional?

1) As @iMember:disqus said, Charlette told Declan she was with Daniel. It seems like his office at Grayson Global, where we saw him earlier in the episode, would be a good place to look for him.

I think the episode made all of these things clear (why Declan was at Grayson Global, that Padma was not alive but just a recording, etc.), but it was a fast-paced episode with a lot going on that people had a hard time keeping track of. I think it's the kind of episode that needs a second viewing for most people.

Surely, the Grayson's wouldn't send home building security during one of the least secure times - a city-wide blackout.

Agreed. It was a bit all over the place, but I think that made it kind of exciting for me.

I thought they had made it pretty clear that The Initiative was a group of people who profit off of disasters. It was pretty strongly hinted at back in the season when Aiden was tasked with buying that disaster relief company. I dunno, I thought it was pretty obvious.

The answering maching gag was hilarious. My fravourite part of the episode by far.

I think we all love Espresso Tina. I mean, how could you not?

Okay. Maybe I missed the "world" part. Although why was he addressing the world?

If his/her middle name also started with an S, they would be S.S. Spencer, which sounds like the name of a boat. :P

I'm normally pretty forgiving, but I had a number of problems with this episode:

Yeah, there was definitely a OUAT feeling to this episode. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often given that they're both shows about "fairy tales." I don't think I've ever thought of them at the same time since they both premiered last year and nearly everyone wrote them both off.

To be fair, Nick had to look Juliet in the eyes for the "Power Ov Luv" to work. And when he saw her earlier, he wasn't really looking at her. He spent most of the time staring out the window, or looking away, but never really at her.

I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. I groaned when I thought they were gonna use the Muse (or whatever) as an obstacle to mess up any progress with Juliet, because that just seemed like something that every show would do. But then they kind of did the opposite and subverted my expectations entirely. So bravo,

This episode should have been called "Jess' Mess" because IT RHYMES! Also that was more or less what it was about. But mostly because it rhymes. That is all.

My reaction to this episode: How DARE they call Tina a dork!

The sword fighting, and then the blackout, made this episode of Revenge very Revolution-y.
