
I can't believe I never noticed that every season has ended in a wedding. I guess it just goes to show you how observant I am.

I liked how they kept using "Elliot" like a code word for black or something.

I saw the shower door getting stuck coming from a mile away, but that exchange had me in stitches.

So what you're saying is that you wouldn't call her a "jackass?" (Corner Gas WOO!)

It would be so like him. It's such a turdish thing to do.

Oh man. That would have been brilliant if they revealed that April got pregnant, and on purpose, just to stick it to Ann.

I too thought that it was April who was pregnant, but unlike you I kinda liked the idea of a little Andy Dwyer. That being said, I like the idea of a little Ron Swanson even more. And I have to commend them for surprising me with that twist. I did not see that coming until the very last possible second. Well done,…

I could listen to him saying that all day. In fact, if Parks and Rec just turned into a constant loop of Chris Pratt saying "Macklin, you son of a bitch" over and over, I would be okay with that.

The "farty donkey" story made me laugh more than it should have.

I think Crowley mentioned something about a payment of some sort (souls maybe?). But, yeah, it also sounded like he was against Naomi to begin with and Crowley just took advantage of the opportunity.

She'd better stick around, even though she said she was only helping until they saved Walter.

Haha. Someone was asleep at the wheel tonight….

Yeah, I think you're right. My bad.

Same here. It ruined all of her scenes for me because I couldn't stop thinking about Alphas and how I will never know whether she lived or died. It made me super depressed.

Agreed. College Nick is great (especially on mushrooms), but teenage Nick slayed me. I think the braces had a lot to do with it.

Teenage Nick with braces was so freakin' hilarious.

So the Wesen of the Week (WotW) was a giant, glow-in-the-dark Smurf? Okay.

"That, Claire, is what it's like to actually kill someone."